Guiconfig fails due to missing TCL library

I'm using Visual Code Studio with NCS v2.1.0.    I'm running on a Windows 10 machine

When I click on the "Memory report" action button, I get the following error:

It appears that the TCL library required by this tool is not present in the NCS distribution.

I do have a TCL_LIBRARY environment variable set which points to the tcl8.7a3 version of TCL (for other applications).    The version of init.tcl there is not the one needed by this application.    The other paths point to the v2.1.0 distribution (toolchain).   I manually checked all those paths to verify that the TCL library is not present.

Parents Reply Children
  • Yes.  I installed all the versions I have using the Toolchain Manager...

    I did some further investigation and found the location of the init.tcl file (called by the TCL/TK interpreter when it starts):

    I then tried removing the two TCL (system-wide) environment variables in my system.   TCL_DIR and TCL_LIB are required for some other tools.   After restarting VSC, this change allowed the Guiconfig tool to run.

    So there is an interaction issue w.r.t. these environment variables.   I'm guessing that the python script should specify a specific path to the init.tcl file it wants, or the installation (via the Toolchain Manager) should update one or both of the TCL_ environment variables (if they exist).

  • This looks like an issue with your paths. If you build the same using command line e.g. west build, do you get the same issue? (Reverting back to how it was before removing the two TCL variables)
