How to enable DCDC regulator in nRF Connect SDK (NCS)


is there any reference code to enable DCDC converter in nRF Connect SDK (NCS)?? (> v2.0.0)

I found some API, such as  nrf_power_dcdcen_get(...) or  nrf_power_dcdcen_set(...), but I don't know

how to initialize or include related header file, and how to set the prj.conf files...

please let me know the way for getting started quickly,


Parents Reply
  • Hello Daewoong,

    The easiest way is to search on our Devzone site.

    There are thousands of questions that have already been registered by multiple engineers.

    and If you want to check on our document page, you can check the keyword in the Kconfig menu as well.

    This menu is providing some comments for each configuration item.

    and the last one is trying to check the sample code.

    Usually, I build some sample code first and check the source code with the ".config" which is located in the "build/zephyr". because this configuration file was generated by overlay and target board configuration.


