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error occured when program appication in nRFgo Studio1.20.0

Dear all:

error occured when I was programming application hex in nRFgo Studio1.20.0,just refer to "program application error.png" ,the error shows "programming failed ,the flash is not erased",but I do it according to the error shows,just erase every item, but it still shows this error,can you do me a favor, really appriciate!

Sincerely Ethan

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  • Hi, Stefan:

    Thanks for your reply!

    Q1: I have tried to press the "ERASE ALL"button at first , here is the program steps: step 1 --Erase ALL, step 2--Program SoftDevice--Program, step 3--Program Application--Prgram. the step 1 and step 2 is ok, but when I press the program button in step 3, then the error"the flash is not erased" occured, just like the picture shows in first topic.

    Q2: yeah, it is the necessary step for me to program the application, in other word, before we program the application,we must program the SoftDevice at first.

    Note: I have search the error solutions on your F1 help(nRFgo Studio1.20.0), no solutions for this error.

    Is any step I missed or wrong? Please correct me! tks!

    Sincerely Ethan

    image description

  • Do you have this resolved yet Ethan? Your procedure of programming is correct and should work if you have the start address of the application to match with the softdevice size. Can you verify that the application start address is 0x18000? What are your IROM settings?

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