Issue downloading the nrfutil software


I am having an issue with trying to install the nrfutil program from this Nordic download page . When I click on the download for the Linux(x64) version of the nrfutil, I get the following pop up instead of downloading the nrfutil program:

I tried downloading nrfutil via pip3, but it appears that it may be an older version. I am following this Nordic tutorial which uses the command 

nrfutil dfu usb_serial -pkg -p COM_PORT

for USB transport. Using the pip3 nrfutil install I am unable to use the usb_serial command after the dfu, which indicates it is an outdated tool. Ultimately, I just want to be able to download the nrfutil tool, so if anyone has any idea on how I can get it, please let me know.

  • Hi Sigurd, thanks for getting with me.

    Can you list the steps you followed to create

    The was a test package which came from the <NRF_SDK_15_0_ROOT>/examples/dfu/secure_dfu_images/uart/nrf52840/ directory. I have since been working with using the pkg generate command of the nrfutil program to create packages from the ble_app_blinky example, but I still get similar issues.


  • I think I have figured the issue. While trying to use the USB transport protocol, I was using the USB adapter on the short side of the nRF52840 Dev Kit, which apparently does not work. After attaching my USB cable to the long side, the 

    nrfutil nrf5sdk-tools dfu usb-serial -pkg -p /dev/ttyACM1
      [####################################]  100%          
    Device programmed.

    command actually worked to upload the firmware! So this is an interesting fact, which is that if using the USB DFU to upload new firmware, the device needs to be hooked up to the USB port connected to the nRF itself (port on the long side of the board), not the port connected to the interface MCU (port on the short side of the board). 

    I think from here, I should be able to close this ticket, as I have a solution to the original post problem, and the subsequent problem.
