We want to modify the bootloader process on MCUboot. To avoid someone having to press and hold a button the entire time on our custom boards we want as a minimum to set a pin high to ensure it doesn't turn off.
I was successfully able to try this using SYS_INIT and a custom board.c file by following this ticket Modify the MCUboot's booting process however, the problem I've found with this method is it sets the pin high regardless of whether the unit goes through the bootloader or not - which makes sense. In some instances we want to indicate the bootloader is running by switching on an LED just as user feedback something's going on. So a potential flicker of the LED (e.g. switching it off ASAP in the main app) would be inappropriate for our devices.
It looks therefore that the best way to achieve what we want is by modifying the bootloader and I've gone down a ticket rabbit hole through here How to create custom MCUBOOT for DFU which ends up leading to this blog archive: nRF Connect SDK Tutorial - Part 2 | NCS v1.3.0
is there a more up to date and recommended way of customising the mcuboot? Our aim would be to have a file within the main project directory that handles the main functions of the boot but adds in our own "switch on this pin" code.