Dear Nordic Engineers
I have a problem like to aks you. I use the functions of the NCS\v1.9.1\zephyr\drivers\spi.
I found the PM_DEVICE_ACTION_RESUME is don't has any code about spi_init.
The nrfx_spim_init() will be called at configuration before the next transfer.
But in the UART and TWIM, The PM_DEVICE_ACTION_RESUME case has uart_init and twim_init codes.
And I look NCS 1.6.1, the PM_DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE case has init_spim.
So I would like to make certain 2 things:
1. If I modify the nrfx_spim_init() to PM_DEVICE_ACTION_RESUME case, does it have any problem?
2. What reason that modify the nrfx_spim_init(), mobile it to the configure(const struct device *dev,const struct spi_config *spi_cfg)? I think that's a little unreasonable.
Best regards,