Connecting the Thingy:53 to an Arduino Setup

This forum feels pretty advanced, so if this is the wrong place to ask this question apologies and please let me know where I should be asking it instead.

My goal is to connect the Thingy:53 to an Arduino Uno such that when something is detecting with Edge Impulse (eg. a voice command), it will cause the Arduino to perform a function.  I've been looking for resources on how to do this in terms of both physical connections and what the code should look like.  Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    I was thinking about the debug addon board that ships with the Thingy:53. You can see details of it in the HW files. The connector is a Pin Header 2x10, 1.27mm (normally used for SWD).  You can just solder things directly onto the board in the gold plated holes also, if that is simpler, that is up to you.

    The corresponding project for the nRF side for the data forwarder is found under <nRF Connect SDK>/nrf/samples/edge_impulse/data_forwarder/.

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