DFU - Device Manager Question - Payload(250 bytes) too long for MTU: 249

Dear support

Try to perform DFU OTA on my final target board and have an error state says - "payload(250 bytes) too long for MTU: 249 "during uploading stage, could anyone let me know what is happening please? 

I have done quite a few times on a Fanstel board and had not have any problem.

Urgent help is needed please!


Parents Reply
  • Yes, the two settings you mention are larger than what I suggested, so I don't think the issue is due to the MTU size since you get the same error. You could try to increase it to 512 and see if that makes any difference. 

    I believe it is a max length mtu -1  issue as Tonkarthu suggests. I've reached out to the mobile team and asked about how to proceed. I'll get back to you when I know more. In the meanwhile you might try to downgrade the Device Manager App to see if that fixes the issue.

    Kind regards,
