nrf52833 AOA sync terminated with err -11

I was trying examples direction_finding_connectionless_tx and direction_finding_connectionless_rx. Both examples use nrf52833. The log shows sync terminated Waiting for periodic sync... When debugging I found the scan_cb function is still be called after sync has been create. And shows pdu info on log table, is this situation correct, or it will affect sync process. Thanks

  • Hi,

    Which SDK and which board do you use?

    You provided the log for one of the boards. Which sample runs on that board? What happens with the other board when there is an error on the first board?

    And shows pdu info on log table, is this situation correct, or it will affect sync process.

    Could you please elaborate on this?

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

     I am using nrf connect sdk 2.2.0-rc1, and run sample nrf/direction_finding_connectionless_rx,  nrf/direction_finding_connectionless_tx, both board configure is nrf52833 dk nrf52833.

    The tx log shows as follows

    Could you please elaborate on this?

    In direction_finding_connectionless_rx example, it will wait periodic advertising and shows detected periodic advertising broadcast packet. Then, when processing waiting for periodic sync, I can still see detected broadcast packet shows on log,  the format is the same as before([DEVICE:]...) instead of  sync info(PER_ADV_SYNC[0]). So my question is is it correct print periodic advertising broadcast packet(run scan callback function is example) on log when waiting for periodic sync, Thanks.

  • I saw in the software,ant patterns are not enabled before sync success, is it correct? My overlay file is as follows. Did you mean err -11 comes from dfe-pdu-antenna setting or if the related antenna is in right connection, thanks.

    &radio {
    	status = "okay";
    	/* This is a number of antennas that are available on antenna matrix
    	 * designed by Nordic. For more information see README.rst.
    	dfe-antenna-num = <3>;
    	/* This is a setting that enables antenna 12 (in antenna matrix designed
    	 * by Nordic) for Rx PDU. For more information see README.rst.
    	dfe-pdu-antenna = <0x0>;
    	/* These are GPIO pin numbers that are provided to
    	 * Radio peripheral. The pins will be acquired by Radio to
    	 * drive antenna switching when AoA is enabled.
    	 * Pin numbers are selected to drive switches on antenna matrix
    	 * desinged by Nordic. For more information see README.rst.
    	dfegpio0-gpios = <&gpio0 2 0>;
    	dfegpio1-gpios = <&gpio0 3 0>;
    	dfegpio2-gpios = <&gpio0 4 0>;
    	dfegpio3-gpios = <&gpio0 5 0>;

  • Another phenomenon is when executing interrupt function isr_rx_adv_sync_estab, function radio_is_done returns 0, That means register EVENTS_PHYEND is 0. I think this condition affect sync process, but I don't know why. How can I debug this problem, thanks

  • Hi,

    Do you have antenna array connected to one of the boards?

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    Yes I do have antenna array connected to locater board.

    Now I can sometimes sync success by reducing periodic advertising interval time. The origin periodic advertising interval is 1.2s while LE advertising interval is 100ms. When I set periodic advertising interval time to 100ms, the success rate of sync is very high. Is this kind of situation because of antenna or it is a normal conditon, thanks.

  • Hi,

    You should get better result if you keep antenna array close to the beacon board. You could also try changing the position of antenna array.

    Best regards,

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