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NRF51822 BLE Rev3 Not advertising

I'm in the process of porting code from a PCA10000 rev2 board to a custom board, using the ISP130301 integrated MCU (contains a rev3 nrf51822 IC). I'm using nrf51 SDK 6.1.0 and S110 SD 7.1.0. The code works on the PCA10000.

I can successfully enable the softdevice, add a service and begin advertising, etc, with no errors:

// Initialize Bluetooth Stack parameters.
// Start advertising.

Though, I am not seeing the device on the Nordic Master Control Panel app. I try the exact same code on the PCA10000 and it works a charm. The only thing that is different is the change from rev2 to rev3 nrf51822 SoC (Along with IO mapping, though that shouldn't affect the radio).

Note, I have read nWP-021, it didn't get me anywhere.

Any ideas as to why this is the case, or a next best step to fixing the problem?


  • There are few PAN's in rev2 IC that were fixed in rev3. But if you moved from rev2 to rev3 then it should have worked for you.

    Can you debug little bit and narrow down the scope of the problem. Maybe some initialization is failing!!!???

    Most common thing in your type of situation is the LFCLK. by default in the SDK examples the function ble_stack_init uses external crystal clock NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_XTAL_20_PPM.

    Make sure that you have it on your device else you need to change this to internal RC clock whose definitions you can find in nrf_sdm.h inside enum NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRCS

  • @Jorge I got it working though I can't remember what the problem was in the end. I've sent you some of my code snippets for you to compare with. Please update here if you find your problem and I'll mark it as the answer.

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