nRF52840 No Devices Found

I followed the tutorial videos and when I connected the device using USB, the computer didn't recognize it 
and it didn't show up in the devices list in VS Code either.

pc: windows 10.
board: nRF52840.

I believe the switches are positioned correctly

Tried: switch cables and boards.

I downloaded Segger J-link just now and still nothing.
The port works fine.

Am I missing something here?

  • Holding down the reset button while powering on puts the device into the update mode for the interface MCU.

    You need to put the "Interface MCU firmware" file (see DK downloads page) onto the drive that pops up. If you don't do that, the device will be put into this semi-bricked state. Upon successful flashing, the JLink and COM ports should show up as USB device(s).

  • Holding down the reset button while powering on puts the device into the update mode for the interface MCU.

    You need to put the "Interface MCU firmware" file (see DK downloads page) onto the drive that pops up. If you don't do that, the device will be put into this semi-bricked state. Upon successful flashing, the JLink and COM ports should show up as USB device(s).

No Data