We follow the OTA guide: Add DFU support to your application
Add below code in main.c:
Our prj.conf:
We follow the OTA guide: Add DFU support to your application
Add below code in main.c:
Our prj.conf:
I have try both your bin file and build with source code. It stuck when i clieck start uploard:
Hi Jimmy,
Could you try:
Flash merged.hex
Use the phone to DFU update app_update3.bin ?
How did you get it to advertise Zephyr heartrate 3 ?
I tryed two way:
1. As you said, flash merged.hex, update app_update3.bin;
2. Build the source code you provide(Base on ncs2.0, 52833dk), flash, change ble name, rebuild, update;
Both two method are stuck when i clieck start upload buttion in Device Manage app.
It's pretty strange that it didn't work for you.
I noticed that you have the device advertised as "Zephyr Heartrate 3" . Was that because you modified the BLE name and flash it manually ?
Could you try to do DFU with nRF Connect and check the log ?
Also if you build it for the nRF52833 DK, please check the UART log on the board as well (The UART log on the merged.hex file won't work because I built it for nRF52832 DK)
I have remove some code in my main.c(such as disable uart, disable rtt), make the flash usage at lower than 94%(before is 97%), ota ok now.
I don't know why flash used 97% not work, it's pretty strange.