Radiated immunity test problem in home healthcare product

We are making ble IOT equipment and currently trying to get medical device certification.

I’ve done radiated immunity test for our devise based on used the nRF52840.

The hardware has to withstand an electric field strenght of 10 V/m, however our device is only certificated for 3 V/m.

The problematic frequencies are 2.19 ~ 2.26GHz.

The connection between device and smart phone was completely interrupted and stop pairing .

We checked the post about 3 V/m immunity test with nRF52840DK, 10 V/m was not found.

Has anyone advise on how to solve this problem? Is the nRF52840 designed to resist electric fields of 10 V/m?

Thanks in advance.

Parents Reply
  • Thank you for quick response.
    We tried a shielded box around the nRF52840 and the RF section but still getting disconnected.
    We will try a band pass filter after the antenna.
    Could you advise us which a band pass filter to use?
    and in the code something that I can try such as changing BLE config?

    Additionally has any chip designed for 10V/m in nRF52 series?

    Thanks in advance
