Installation of nRF Thread Topology Monitor on Raspberry Pi.


I have created a thread network using Raspberry Pi's and nRF52840 dongles. I want to monitor the topology using the nRF tool, I have installed the Segger J-link packages and the other required commands as per this tutorial. 

But still I am not able to open the executable file. Please help me out with this. 


Secondly, I want to measure the network performance of the thread network, is there any dedicated software or tool for that from nordic. 

  • Hi Sohaib,

    1) Sorry for miss understanding, I thought you use Raspberry Pi and nRF52840 dongle as OTBR to form a thread network. nRF Thread Topology Monitor only support X86 Linux. Rapsbain is a special version of Linux running on ARM processors, so it does not work.

    2) I search through the thread communities and there is no specific guidance for performance tests, but you can find some discussion about latency. For the items you mentioned, I believe you would be able to design tests based on NCS thread samples and log outputs from the devices. UDP/CoAP is typically used on top of Thread since TCP/MQTT need much more resources. CoAP can request a response to ensure the packet is successfully delivered.

    Best regard,


  • Hi Sohaib,

    1) Sorry for miss understanding, I thought you use Raspberry Pi and nRF52840 dongle as OTBR to form a thread network. nRF Thread Topology Monitor only support X86 Linux. Rapsbain is a special version of Linux running on ARM processors, so it does not work.

    2) I search through the thread communities and there is no specific guidance for performance tests, but you can find some discussion about latency. For the items you mentioned, I believe you would be able to design tests based on NCS thread samples and log outputs from the devices. UDP/CoAP is typically used on top of Thread since TCP/MQTT need much more resources. CoAP can request a response to ensure the packet is successfully delivered.

    Best regard,

