Android-nRF-Toolbox project building error

Dear Nordic Team,

We are trying to build Android-nRF-Toolbox version 3.1.3 and Android BLE library 2.5.1 on Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 Patch 1.

After struggling and setting Android Gradle Plugin Version 7.3.1 and Gradle Version 7.5-rc-1, project sync gives following errors.

> Task :lib_ui:compileDebugKotlin FAILED
e: E:\Nordic_Codes\Android\Nordic-Toolbox\lib_ui\src\main\java\no\nordicsemi\android\ui\view\BatteryLevelView.kt: (36, 30): Unresolved reference: theme
e: E:\Nordic_Codes\Android\Nordic-Toolbox\lib_ui\src\main\java\no\nordicsemi\android\ui\view\BatteryLevelView.kt: (41, 5): Unresolved reference: ScreenSection
e: E:\Nordic_Codes\Android\Nordic-Toolbox\lib_ui\src\main\java\no\nordicsemi\android\ui\view\BatteryLevelView.kt: (42, 9): @Composable invocations can only happen from the context of a @Composable function
e: E:\Nordic_Codes\Android\Nordic-Toolbox\lib_ui\src\main\java\no\nordicsemi\android\ui\view\BatteryLevelView.kt: (43, 13): @Composable invocations can only happen from the context of a @Composable function

We also tried different versions of Android libraries, its platforms, Kotlin etc. but got more errors than above.

Please suggest how can we overcome this problem. 

Otherwise suggest us which last successful versions of Android-nRF-Toolbox and Android BLE library should be use with which version of Android Studio.


  • Hi again

    I asked our Android developers if they knew what this could be caused by. Unfortunately they don't have a theory, but they're currently working on updating the project's libraries to a later version that will hopefully solve this issue. I will update you when this is complete.

    As for the gradle plugins I don't know what to tell you except what is stated in the Github repo. The plugins are all open source and available so to find out exactly what each of them do, you can check them out in the plugin list.

    Best regards,


  • Hi again

    I asked our Android developers if they knew what this could be caused by. Unfortunately they don't have a theory, but they're currently working on updating the project's libraries to a later version that will hopefully solve this issue. I will update you when this is complete.

    As for the gradle plugins I don't know what to tell you except what is stated in the Github repo. The plugins are all open source and available so to find out exactly what each of them do, you can check them out in the plugin list.

    Best regards,

