I am working on a project with the nrf5340, on ncs version 2.1.2, though I plan to bring it into v2.2.0.
I have been working on this sample on the side because Multi-Image DFU is a must for my application. While there are issues unresolved on the thread, (about iOS being faulty when running DFU more than once), it is the only sample that has uploaded 2 images through BLE and successfully updated the device. However, I have run into some complications in implementing this code into my firmware.
The sample structure is very simple:
mcu_smp_ble_simultaneous: - child_image -mcuboot.conf - src - main.c - bluetooth_smp.c - bluetooth_smp.h app.overlay CMakeLists.txt prj.conf
My project is more involved. I am struggling to figure out where the mcuboot.conf will be added, and how to add its configurations for the mcuboot bootloader. I have several questions that I have been trying to research, so I am reaching out for help here while I continue to try.
When building my project with the following CMakeLists.txt, I can see in the build output that it seems to build my child image and mcuboot configurations, but how can I be sure?
When the build is complete, the dfu_application.zip contains the following even though the mcuboot.conf states "UPDATEABLE_IMAGE=2"
How would I get the cpu_net image into this dfu_application.zip? Am I on the right track?
Here is my project structure:
project_folder - cpu_app - inc - *.h files - src -*.c files (including main.c) - CMakeLists.txt - cpu_net - inc - *.h files - src -*.c files (including main.c) - CMakeLists.txt - nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpu_net.overlay - prj.conf - CMakeLists.txt - nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp.overlay - KConfig - prj.conf -
My project_folder/CMakeLists.txt looks like:
# # Copyright (c) 2020 Nordic Semiconductor # # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Nordic-5-Clause # cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20.0) set(ZEPHYR_EXTRA_MODULES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}) find_package(Zephyr REQUIRED HINTS $ENV{ZEPHYR_BASE}) project(app) # NORDIC SDK APP START FILE(GLOB app_sources cpu_app/src/*.c) target_sources(app PRIVATE ${app_sources}) target_include_directories(app PRIVATE cpu_app/inc) # NORDIC SDK APP END zephyr_library_include_directories(.)
My project_folder/cpu_app/CMakeLists.txt looks like:
# This check is needed to avoid infinite recursion. This module code will # be executed for all images in the build, also for the child image being # added below. if (CONFIG_INCLUDE_NET_CORE_IMAGE) add_child_image( NAME cpu_net SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../cpu_net DOMAIN cpunet BOARD ${CONFIG_DOMAIN_CPUNET_BOARD} ) # Add this just below the line "cmake_minimum_required(...)" !! if (EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../mcuboot.conf") list(APPEND mcuboot_OVERLAY_CONFIG "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/mcuboot.conf" ) endif() endif()
My project_folder/cpu_net/CMakeLists.txt looks like:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20.0) find_package(Zephyr REQUIRED HINTS $ENV{ZEPHYR_BASE}) project(cpu_net) FILE(GLOB app_sources src/*.c) target_sources(app PRIVATE ${app_sources}) target_include_directories(app PRIVATE inc) if (CONFIG_SOC_NRF5340_CPUAPP) message(FATAL_ERROR "This sample is not supported on the nRF53 application core") endif() zephyr_library_include_directories(.)