NRF_LOG is not working in my Custom Board


I am working NRF52840 as custom board, In my custom board NRF_LOG is not working I mean Nothing is displaying on terminal like tera term or termite. If load the code in Development Board (NRF52840 DK Boards) its working fine and also I Can view the data on terminal. My problem is in my custom board, can you please help me on this. How to solve this type of issues. 

Thanks & I am waiting for your response.

  • Jansi,

    1) Yeah, you can use nRF SWD connected to the debugger to load the firmware into the chip.

    2) Routing the custom board pins to nRF DK and the routing this to the OB debugger to a virtual COM port is an overkill for your use case. Not sure what you are asking is correct here? Yes those pins are available on pca10056.h aswell and if you have configured the firmware on your custom board to use these pins as UART pins then it should work if those pins are not used for anything else.

    3) Yes, you need to connect
      TTL/FTDI TX -> Custom board RX
      TTL/FTDI RX -> Custom board TX
      TTL/FTDI CTS -> Custom board RTS
      TTL/FTDI RTS -> Custom board CTS

    If that does not work, then you need to connect logic analyzer to your custom board uart pins to see if there is any data that is being transmitted by your custom board at all?

    4) You have another case where we can discuss your TWI issue. Please do not mix many issues into one. Keep the context of this thread matching the title.

  • Jansi,

    1) Yeah, you can use nRF SWD connected to the debugger to load the firmware into the chip.

    2) Routing the custom board pins to nRF DK and the routing this to the OB debugger to a virtual COM port is an overkill for your use case. Not sure what you are asking is correct here? Yes those pins are available on pca10056.h aswell and if you have configured the firmware on your custom board to use these pins as UART pins then it should work if those pins are not used for anything else.

    3) Yes, you need to connect
      TTL/FTDI TX -> Custom board RX
      TTL/FTDI RX -> Custom board TX
      TTL/FTDI CTS -> Custom board RTS
      TTL/FTDI RTS -> Custom board CTS

    If that does not work, then you need to connect logic analyzer to your custom board uart pins to see if there is any data that is being transmitted by your custom board at all?

    4) You have another case where we can discuss your TWI issue. Please do not mix many issues into one. Keep the context of this thread matching the title.

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