ZigBee radio channel change


We developed with nRF5240 using nRF5 SDK as zigbee coordinator and I have some questions about channel change mechanism:

  1. By choosing 'coordinator' as network role at startup, is this automatically also the network channel manager as explained in Annex E of Zigbee specification https://zigbeealliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/docs-05-3474-21-0csg-zigbee-specification.pdf ?
  2. When a high value of transmit failures is detected, is channel scan done? Is channel changed?
  3. Do you manage the reception of Mgmt_NWK_Update_notify? Which actions are performed?
  4. In Zigbee spec about transmit failures, there is written: "the network manager would report to the local application using Mgmt_NWK_Update_notify and the application can force a channel change using the Mgmt_NWK_Update_req.". Do you ever notify application about this through Zigbee signal handler or any callback? Do you implemented a function that I can use to send Mgmt_NWK_Update_req to force channel change?

I've read another question about the same topic:  https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/94366/zigbee-radio-channel-selection-and-change-during-run-time/398143 
But I couldn't find the answers.

Best regards.


  • Hello Marte,

    thank you for your answers. Related to this topic, I am not sure how to solve an issue I face: devices in our meshes falling off the network and requiring re-commissioning, because they never received the command to move to new channel.

    I’ve been running the following tests to understand what is going on with ZBOSS stack:

    1. Nordic as coordinator broadcasting Mgmt_NWK_Update_req to change channel.
      The request is sent through zb_zdo_mgmt_nwk_update_req function as you suggested.
      Result is Nordic remaining in previous channel while routers moving to new channel.
      I was expecting Nordic to change channel too.
    2. Nordic as router sending to Nordic as coordinator Mgmt_NWK_Update_req to change channel. Nordic as router is running CLI example code from Nordic nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee v4.1.0.
      Result is Nordic as coordinator changing channel without notifying routers within the network and Nordic as router not changing channel.
      I was expecting Nordic as coordinator not changing channel at all or changing channel notifying routers within the network.

    I used Nordic nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee v4.1.0 and then I repeated tests with v4.2.0 with same results.

    I've also performed some tests with nrf_802154_channel_set but I saw that new channel isn't stored and when nordic reboots it moves to previous channel.

    Can you please bring clarity on this topic and suggest improvements I can implement.

    Thank you in advance.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Laura,

    I will look into this issue and discuss it with the developers.

    Just to make sure that I understand the problem correctly, are you manually calling zb_zdo_mgmt_nwk_update_req() on both coordinator and router to make it send a Mgmt_NWK_Update_req, or is the Mgmt_NWK_Update_req sent as a result of other factors such as for example a lot of noise on the network in any of the cases?

    As for nrf_802154_channel_set(), this only sets the channel in the 802.15.4 radio driver without informing the ZBOSS stack, so as you experienced, the ZBOSS stack will make it use the previous channel on a reboot.

    Best regards,

  • Hello Marte,

    I start working on channel selection because, more than once, we saw routers being in a channel and coordinator in a different channel. This without calling zb_zdo_mgmt_nwk_update_req().

    We tried to implement coordinator manually sending Mgmt_NWK_Update_req through zb_zdo_mgmt_nwk_update_req() to solve the above issue without recommissioning the routers. The objective was also to investigate if routers in use are able to switch channel as per Zigbee specification, which they did.

    This is the function I've implemented:

    bool APP_ZigbeeChangeChannelReq(uint8_t channel)
      zb_bufid_t bufid;
      zb_zdo_mgmt_nwk_update_req_t *req;
      zb_uint8_t zb_ret;
      uint32_t channelMask = 1UL << channel;
      bool ret = false;
      if(channel < ZB_PAGE0_2_4_GHZ_CHANNEL_FROM || channel > ZB_PAGE0_2_4_GHZ_CHANNEL_TO)
        CDB_PRINT(APP_ZB_DB_PRINT1, "channel 0x%02x\n", channel);
        return true;
      bufid = zb_buf_get_out();
      if (bufid == ZB_BUF_INVALID)
        CDB_PRINT(APP_ZB_DB_PRINT2, "No Zigbee buffer available\r\n");
        req = ZB_BUF_GET_PARAM(bufid, zb_zdo_mgmt_nwk_update_req_t);
        ZB_CHANNEL_PAGE_SET_PAGE(req->hdr.scan_channels, ZB_CHANNEL_LIST_PAGE0_IDX);
        ZB_CHANNEL_PAGE_SET_MASK(req->hdr.scan_channels, channelMask);
        req->hdr.scan_duration = ZB_ZDO_NEW_ACTIVE_CHANNEL;
        CDB_PRINT(APP_ZB_DB_PRINT1, "channel 0x%02x, ScanChannels 0x%08x\n", channel, req->hdr.scan_channels);
        zb_ret = zb_zdo_mgmt_nwk_update_req(bufid, NULL); //no callback since no reply for this cmd
        if (zb_ret != ZB_ZDO_INVALID_TSN)
          ret = true;
      return ret;

  • Hi Laura,

    Thank you for sharing the code you used for testing this. I was able to reproduce it in nRF Connect SDK v2.5.0 as well. I have reported it to the developers and they are looking into it.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Marte,

    Thanks for looking into this.
    Has there been any follow up from the developers ?

    Indeed, this issue we face is pretty serious. If the Boss stack on its own is deciding to change channels, without application level intervention, whilst not controlling / verifying that the already connected devices on the mesh will follow the channel change, we have a very unstable connection.
    This is a problem.

    All the tests done by Laura and team to date, have pointed to the fact that the stack is indeed choosing to change the channel, and consequently leaving some devices behind, lost on the previous channels, with no way for those to reconnect successfully.

    Would appreciate your support on this.

    Could we organise a call with your developers and team, ASAP so we can get to the bottom of this ?


