nRF9160 MAGPIO Issues

Hello Nordic, 

we are currently developing PCB for our new cIOT product. For the first prototype we would like to test the antenna tuner and, thus, have to manipulate MAGPIO pins.

But first, I wanted to pre-test the behaviour of the %XMAGPIO command using the nRF9160 DK (MAGPIO1 and MAGPIO2 can be accessed  through test points TP3 and TP2).
In addition I run the at_client firmware (v.3.1.99) on the DK (mfw_nrf9160_1.3.3) , so that I can use nRF Connect Link Monitor. However, it seems that the %XMAGPIO command does not have any impact on the behaviour of TP3 or TP2.

Below, I have listed the performed AT commands in chronically order:

  1. AT+CFUN=0;
  2. AT%XMAGPIO="0,0,0,1,0,698,2200" (no MAGPIO pin should be active high)
  3. AT+CFUN=1;

As I  have disabled MAGPIO pins completely, there shouldn't be any HIGH peaks on TP2 and TP3 right?
However, our measurements show, that any change with %XMAGPIO command does not have an impact (with .e.g. AT%XMAGPIO=1,1,1,3,0,1574,1577,1,705,747,6,748,804 we receive the same result)

Can you help us, understanding this issue?
Are we doing something wrong here?

Cheers Markus

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