SHA-256 digest on %CMNG list credentials command looks strange

Hi - I see there's a 3 year ticket that was hinting at the same question but my specific question didn't get answered. 

My question/concern is: 

When I list the certificates and keys with the %CMNG LIST command, I see the SHA-256 digest of each certificate & key. 

What is very strange  is the content of the SHA-256 digest of each cert/key. They take on the value: 

00000000000000.. snip


060606060606060... snip

or 0101010101010... snip

This very strange for a true SHA-256 digest of the certificate/key. Can anybody explain what the heck is going on here?

I don't think it's really a SHA-256 hash of the cert/key... The probability of a true SHA-256 digest taking on this value is astronomical. 

Does everybody get the same strange digest information?

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