Cannot bind app key for one of the model with PYACI Script


I am trying to bind app key for one of the models with the help of PYACI Python script. I am using latest version v5.0.0 for PYACI script and downloaded it here: , also with same version of documentation for commands  And I am using Raspberry pi where my py script is running and nRF52840 with Serial Script running connected to Raspberry Pi with Ports /dev/ttyACM0 (or) /dev/ttyACM1. I am trying to bind app key for Sensor_Server Example and i get like this where all the earlier commands works well.

NOTE: examples are connected to Laptop which is obvious where we can run with bluetooth

 I also tried with Mesh Chat sample like above and get same problem

Another Question: we can identify the sample with last model ID where vendor Setup Model ID bound to "0059000a" which is 8 bit and where it should be 4 bit. Even in app i get the same ID

which is ok to setup in app but in this command - cc.model_app_bind(db.nodes[0].unicast_address, 0, mt.ModelId(0x1000)) it should have only 4 bit right?

Please help me as soon as possible. I really in need of help to continue my work further


  • Just want to let you know that I am still keeping your questions on my backlog. I tried to look into this today, but I haven't found anything regarding logging more information from scanning yet.

    I will try to look into it further in the next two days.



  • No problem if i dont get much information about scanning yet. for first Atleast can u please make sure "mesh chat" example works when we provision with PYACI script


  • I have tested the Mesh Chat sample in another DevZone question 1-2 weeks ago and it worked just fine. The nodes can talk to each other correctly. Do you expect them to speak to each other or to the PyACI script?



  • I expect to speak each other not to PyACI script, but as i told you there is problems to index numbers for me can u explain me in detail how to provision them with commands here please

    Just curious is there a way they can speak to PyACI too?


  • I was not able to reproduce the index problem. I will try again today, but I'd like to answer quickly about the PyACI part. I doubt that the PyACI script is able to speak to the Mesh Chat devices out of the box. To talk with the Mesh Chat devices, a device needs the Mesh Chat vendor model, which the script doesn't have.

    You can consider building that model yourself.

    I will try to get to the index problem again in the afternoon. So far that has been very weird. I have a theory that maybe the index value expected is not the index in the node database but the index in the list of devices scanned/currently found...

    In your earlier report, I understand that the second device needs index == 0, but what about the first one? Does it also work with index == 0?
