nRF5340 DK and PPK2 not working


I am using the PPK2 to evaluate the nRF5340. Neither of these devices is currently working properly, I think the underlying cause has something to do with USB that's why I created only one issue. 

  • PPK2

It works the first time after restarting my computer. If I then close Power Profiler and select the device again it hangs at 'Opening device with s/n EAA9B4F32C15'. After that it will not be usable. I have tried unplugging/replugging the USB, using with a powered USB hub, without a USB hub, nothing works except restarting my PC. It's identical to this issue but it never got a solution unfortunately:

  • nRF5340 DK

It can connect fine. When I press the 'read' button to read the memory I get:

15:04:19.393 Failed to get device memory map: async task failure for id: 1865463227 msg: JLINKARM_DLL_TIME_OUT_ERROR (Origin: "Error when running fw program.")
15:04:19.393 Error when reading device

I tried the same with nrfjprog command line utility and it gave the same result. I have attached the log here for reference:
Furthermore I have tried:
  • Using a personal laptop. Both devices work fine on this machine, no issues whatsoever. This makes me sure that it's something with my installation. 
  • Reinstalling. I just did a clean install of all software involved, including windows drivers. Unfortunately it made no difference. 
  • Hi again

    Glad we were able to partly solve the problem at least. From the log it just seems like the PPK2 isn't responding at all, and the connection times out when trying to open it. Is anything strange happening that you're able to observe when waiting for it to connect/open? What color is the PPK2 lighting up as for example? I'll ask the developers of the application if they've seen anything similar as well. I also tested on a Windows 11 (and Windows 10) machine for good measure, but they're both working as expected.

    I'll let you know what the developers have to say about this!

    Best regards,


  • Nothing weird happens. The PPK2 continues blinking it's green LED, but it never turns blue. 

    The PPK2 is recognized as normal btw:

    Thanks again, I will await the response

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