Can you give me a sample about how to USB to DFU the network core?


The NCS version is 2.1.0

I can use the sample "zephyr\samples\subsys\usb\dfu" to DFU the applicate core.

But I don't know how to DFU the network core, can you give a sample(network core DFU) base on the "zephyr\samples\subsys\usb\dfu"?

Thank you.

  • Hi, 

    I have nRF53 MCUBoot Serial Recovery Sample over USB CDC for netcore and appcore with mcumgr sample netcore_serial_recovery_cdc_acm.7z for NCS2.2.0, but it's not based on that USB sample. 

    Add the following log to the main function in the zephyr\samples\bluetooth\hci_rpmsg\src\main.c

    	printk("Board config %s\n", CONFIG_BOARD);
    	printk("build time: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n");

    Build and flash the program using west:

    west build -p -b nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp && west flash --recover

    Connect the terminal, and it would show as the following.

    Then, Modify the version number in the prj.conf and hci_rpmsg.conf, and recompile the project for the update. 

    To activate the Serial Recovery Mode, hold Button 1 while restarting the Developement Kit. Now, you should be able to communicate with the bootloader using mcumgr:

    mcumgr conn add acm46 type="serial" connstring="COM46,baud=115200,mtu=512"
    mcumgr -c acm46 image list

    The list command should print:
    image=0 slot=0
    bootable: false
    hash: Unavailable
    Split status: N/A (0)

    Locate under build\zephyr and update new images for appcore and netcore:

    mcumgr -c acm46  image upload -e app_update.bin -n 1
    mcumgr -c acm46  image upload -e net_core_app_update.bin -n 3

    Redet the nRF5340DK:

    The netcore would not boot up with the new image in after updating in v2.1.0. It's fixed in v2.2.0.  

    Hope this can help. 

    Amanda H.

  • Hello

    Thank you for your reply.
    Another question, how to DFU the mucboot?

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