nRF9160 modem firmware compatibility


in the documentation is described which nRF Connect SDK is combatible with a defined Modem firmware

Its not clear for me if the SDK version is a "minimal" or a "exact" version? Mean this that for example SDK 1.6.1 is incombatible with modem firmware 1.2.3?

  • Hello, 

    The modem firmware compatibility list is tested as they moodem firmware and nRF Connect SDK are listed. This does not mean that e.g. SDK v1.6.1 is incompatible with modem fw 1.2.3, but we can not guarantee 100% compatibility.. 

    I don't have a "minimum" supported version unfortunately, however, staying to modem fw 1.2.3 and above is probably the best. For the SDK you should test below v2.x.x to ensure compatibility.

    Kind regards,

  • Hello, 

    The modem firmware compatibility list is tested as they moodem firmware and nRF Connect SDK are listed. This does not mean that e.g. SDK v1.6.1 is incompatible with modem fw 1.2.3, but we can not guarantee 100% compatibility.. 

    I don't have a "minimum" supported version unfortunately, however, staying to modem fw 1.2.3 and above is probably the best. For the SDK you should test below v2.x.x to ensure compatibility.

    Kind regards,

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