Problem establishing LTE connection


I'm trying to establish a connection to the nrf cloud with LTE-M for the nrf9160, but I'm having a problem. I had already managed to connect the devkit a couple weeks ago, but I changed of virtual machine (my PC is under windows, and I use a linux VM) and can't establish a connection since. I'm using the provided eSIM.  I'm in France, wich should support both LTE-M and NB IoT. I'm barely beginning with the nordic components.

Since I retried to establish the connection, I updated the certificate, and deleted my previous device on the nrf cloud as told here

I then uploaded the modem firmware 1.3.3, and the application firmware asset_tracket_v2_2022_12_08, which according to the CONTENTS.txt supports both LTE-M and NB IoT. Now is the problem. From the nrf cloud, I can't add a new LTE device, because no connection is established. Led1 blinks continuously.

From the LTE Link Monitor, I can see that the modem and UICC are enabled, but the UART ad LTE are blinking in yellow/red and the PDN is constantly off. Please see the log file below.

Thank you for your help.

Kind regards,


EDIT : I uploaded the application firmware at_client, and followed the testing lines given here. The results to the commands seem coherent, except for AT%XMONITOR. It returns : 4, wich according to the AT documentation is 'Unknown'. I guess that's a problem, but I don't know how to use this information.

2023-02-09T16:15:53.325Z DEBUG Application data folder: /home/devnordicconnect/.config/nrfconnect/pc-nrfconnect-linkmonitor
2023-02-09T16:15:53.837Z INFO Using nrf-device-lib-js version: 0.4.13
2023-02-09T16:15:53.840Z INFO Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.12.8
2023-02-09T16:15:53.844Z INFO Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.16.0
2023-02-09T16:15:53.846Z INFO Using JLink version: JLink_V7.84a
2023-02-09T16:15:53.942Z DEBUG App pc-nrfconnect-linkmonitor v2.0.2 official
2023-02-09T16:15:53.943Z DEBUG App path: /home/devnordicconnect/.nrfconnect-apps/node_modules/pc-nrfconnect-linkmonitor
2023-02-09T16:15:53.943Z DEBUG nRFConnect 3.12.0, required by the app is (^3.12.0)
2023-02-09T16:15:53.943Z DEBUG nRFConnect path: /tmp/.mount_nrfconFZntmj/resources/app.asar
2023-02-09T16:15:53.943Z DEBUG HomeDir: /home/devnordicconnect
2023-02-09T16:15:53.943Z DEBUG TmpDir: /tmp
2023-02-09T16:15:53.948Z INFO Installed JLink version does not match the provided version (V7.66a)
2023-02-09T16:16:01.970Z INFO Modem port is opened
2023-02-09T16:16:02.045Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CFUN?
2023-02-09T16:16:02.191Z DEBUG modem << ERROR
2023-02-09T16:16:15.875Z DEBUG modem << [00:02:01.512,603] [0m<inf> app_event_manager: APP_EVT_DATA_GET_ALL[0m
2023-02-09T16:16:15.958Z DEBUG modem << [00:02:01.513,244] [0m<inf> app_event_manager: APP_EVT_DATA_GET - Requested data types (MOD_DYN, BAT, ENV, MOD_STAT, LOCATION)[0m
2023-02-09T16:16:15.998Z DEBUG modem << [00:02:01.513,885] [0m<inf> app_event_manager: LOCATION_MODULE_EVT_ACTIVE[0m
2023-02-09T16:16:16.011Z DEBUG modem << [00:02:01.514,892] [0m<inf> app_event_manager: SENSOR_EVT_ENVIRONMENTAL_NOT_SUPPORTED[0m
2023-02-09T16:16:16.024Z DEBUG modem << [00:02:01.520,385] [0m<inf> app_event_manager: LOCATION_MODULE_EVT_AGPS_NEEDED[0m
2023-02-09T16:16:16.034Z DEBUG modem << [00:02:01.521,820] [1;31m<err> modem_info_params: Link data not obtained: 5 -22[0m
2023-02-09T16:16:16.041Z DEBUG modem << [00:02:01.521,850] [1;31m<err> modem_module: modem_info_params_get, error: -22[0m
2023-02-09T16:16:16.049Z DEBUG modem << [00:02:01.521,942] [0m<inf> app_event_manager: MODEM_EVT_MODEM_STATIC_DATA_NOT_READY[0m
2023-02-09T16:16:16.074Z DEBUG modem << [00:02:01.524,932] [1;31m<err> modem_info_params: Link data not obtained: 5 -22[0m
2023-02-09T16:16:16.086Z DEBUG modem << [00:02:01.524,963] [1;31m<err> modem_module: modem_info_params_get, error: -22[0m
2023-02-09T16:16:16.095Z DEBUG modem << [00:02:01.525,024] [0m<inf> app_event_manager: MODEM_EVT_MODEM_DYNAMIC_DATA_NOT_READY[0m
2023-02-09T16:16:16.955Z DEBUG modem << [00:02:01.614,746] [1;31m<err> modem_info_params: Link data not obtained: 5 -22[0m
2023-02-09T16:16:17.009Z DEBUG modem << [00:02:01.614,776] [1;31m<err> modem_module: modem_info_params_get, error: -22[0m
2023-02-09T16:16:17.037Z DEBUG modem << [00:02:01.614,837] [0m<inf> app_event_manager: MODEM_EVT_BATTERY_DATA_NOT_READY[0m
2023-02-09T16:16:20.723Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CFUN?
2023-02-09T16:16:20.774Z DEBUG modem << +CFUN: 1
2023-02-09T16:16:20.840Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:20.858Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CGSN=1
2023-02-09T16:16:20.898Z DEBUG modem << +CGSN: "350457791992116"
2023-02-09T16:16:20.912Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:20.978Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CGMI
2023-02-09T16:16:21.022Z DEBUG modem << Nordic Semiconductor ASA
2023-02-09T16:16:21.033Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:21.107Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CGMM
2023-02-09T16:16:21.155Z DEBUG modem << nRF9160-SICA
2023-02-09T16:16:21.177Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:21.206Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CGMR
2023-02-09T16:16:21.247Z DEBUG modem << mfw_nrf9160_1.3.3
2023-02-09T16:16:21.253Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:21.261Z INFO Nordic Semiconductor ASA nRF9160-SICA [mfw_nrf9160_1.3.3] SerNr: 350457791992116
2023-02-09T16:16:21.281Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CEMODE?
2023-02-09T16:16:21.315Z DEBUG modem << +CEMODE: 0
2023-02-09T16:16:21.329Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:21.410Z DEBUG modem >> AT%XCBAND=?
2023-02-09T16:16:21.440Z DEBUG modem << %XCBAND: (1,2,3,4,5,8,12,13,17,19,20,25,26,28,66)
2023-02-09T16:16:21.452Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:21.514Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CMEE?
2023-02-09T16:16:21.565Z DEBUG modem << +CMEE: 0
2023-02-09T16:16:21.581Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:21.622Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CMEE=1
2023-02-09T16:16:21.682Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:21.710Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CNEC?
2023-02-09T16:16:21.758Z DEBUG modem << +CNEC: 16
2023-02-09T16:16:21.771Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:21.798Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CNEC=24
2023-02-09T16:16:21.849Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:21.878Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CGEREP?
2023-02-09T16:16:21.916Z DEBUG modem << +CGEREP: 1,0
2023-02-09T16:16:21.926Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:21.963Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CIND=1,1,1
2023-02-09T16:16:21.998Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:22.047Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CEREG=5
2023-02-09T16:16:22.093Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:22.143Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CEREG?
2023-02-09T16:16:22.188Z DEBUG modem << +CEREG: 5,4
2023-02-09T16:16:22.212Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:22.281Z DEBUG modem >> AT%CESQ=1
2023-02-09T16:16:22.330Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:22.363Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CESQ
2023-02-09T16:16:22.436Z DEBUG modem << +CESQ: 99,99,255,255,255,255
2023-02-09T16:16:22.459Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:22.530Z DEBUG modem >> AT%XSIM=1
2023-02-09T16:16:22.575Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:22.618Z DEBUG modem >> AT%XSIM?
2023-02-09T16:16:22.656Z DEBUG modem << %XSIM: 1
2023-02-09T16:16:22.674Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:22.752Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CPIN?
2023-02-09T16:16:22.795Z DEBUG modem << +CPIN: READY
2023-02-09T16:16:22.807Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:22.875Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CPINR="SIM PIN"
2023-02-09T16:16:22.925Z DEBUG modem << +CPINR: "SIM PIN",3
2023-02-09T16:16:22.938Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:23.006Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CIMI
2023-02-09T16:16:23.063Z DEBUG modem << 204080813691384
2023-02-09T16:16:23.075Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:23.082Z INFO IMSIdentity: 204080813691384
2023-02-09T16:16:23.362Z DEBUG modem << +CEREG: 2
2023-02-09T16:16:24.362Z DEBUG modem << [00:02:09.021,087] [0m<inf> app_event_manager: MODEM_EVT_LTE_CELL_UPDATE[0m
2023-02-09T16:16:54.111Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CFUN?
2023-02-09T16:16:54.180Z DEBUG modem << +CFUN: 1
2023-02-09T16:16:54.229Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:54.260Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CGSN=1
2023-02-09T16:16:54.295Z DEBUG modem << +CGSN: "350457791992116"
2023-02-09T16:16:54.307Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:54.347Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CGMI
2023-02-09T16:16:54.395Z DEBUG modem << Nordic Semiconductor ASA
2023-02-09T16:16:54.411Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:54.446Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CGMM
2023-02-09T16:16:54.493Z DEBUG modem << nRF9160-SICA
2023-02-09T16:16:54.507Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:54.560Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CGMR
2023-02-09T16:16:54.599Z DEBUG modem << mfw_nrf9160_1.3.3
2023-02-09T16:16:54.610Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:54.618Z INFO Nordic Semiconductor ASA nRF9160-SICA [mfw_nrf9160_1.3.3] SerNr: 350457791992116
2023-02-09T16:16:54.667Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CEMODE?
2023-02-09T16:16:54.793Z DEBUG modem << +CEMODE: 0
2023-02-09T16:16:54.804Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:54.883Z DEBUG modem >> AT%XCBAND=?
2023-02-09T16:16:54.916Z DEBUG modem << %XCBAND: (1,2,3,4,5,8,12,13,17,19,20,25,26,28,66)
2023-02-09T16:16:54.952Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:55.047Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CMEE?
2023-02-09T16:16:55.085Z DEBUG modem << +CMEE: 1
2023-02-09T16:16:55.096Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:55.136Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CNEC?
2023-02-09T16:16:55.188Z DEBUG modem << +CNEC: 24
2023-02-09T16:16:55.209Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:55.248Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CGEREP?
2023-02-09T16:16:55.308Z DEBUG modem << +CGEREP: 1,0
2023-02-09T16:16:55.317Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:55.348Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CIND=1,1,1
2023-02-09T16:16:55.400Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:55.430Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CEREG=5
2023-02-09T16:16:55.465Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:55.508Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CEREG?
2023-02-09T16:16:55.563Z DEBUG modem << +CEREG: 5,2
2023-02-09T16:16:55.573Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:55.624Z DEBUG modem >> AT%CESQ=1
2023-02-09T16:16:55.663Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:55.713Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CESQ
2023-02-09T16:16:55.771Z DEBUG modem << +CESQ: 99,99,255,255,255,255
2023-02-09T16:16:55.786Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:55.824Z DEBUG modem >> AT%XSIM=1
2023-02-09T16:16:55.864Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:55.896Z DEBUG modem >> AT%XSIM?
2023-02-09T16:16:55.941Z DEBUG modem << %XSIM: 1
2023-02-09T16:16:55.946Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:55.987Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CPIN?
2023-02-09T16:16:56.024Z DEBUG modem << +CPIN: READY
2023-02-09T16:16:56.038Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:56.103Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CPINR="SIM PIN"
2023-02-09T16:16:56.178Z DEBUG modem << +CPINR: "SIM PIN",3
2023-02-09T16:16:56.186Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:56.241Z DEBUG modem >> AT+CIMI
2023-02-09T16:16:56.272Z DEBUG modem << 204080813691384
2023-02-09T16:16:56.279Z DEBUG modem << OK
2023-02-09T16:16:56.284Z INFO IMSIdentity: 204080813691384

  • Hi,

    After updating the certificate, the device should be deleted from nRF Cloud and then added again. It seems that you did this correctly.

    Which network operator did your device connect to when it was able to connect from the physical machine?

    Which eSIM do you use?

    I changed of virtual machine (my PC is under windows, and I use a linux VM) and can't establish a connection since.

    Was there a connectivity problem only on your virtual machine? Did you have this connectivity problem using your physical machine as well?

    From the nrf cloud, I can't add a new LTE device, because no connection is established.

    Could you show what happens when you try to add your device to the nRF Cloud? Do you get any message of unsuccessful operation as a result?

    Best regards,

  • Hi Dejan, 

    Thanks for your answer !

    So yes, I did delete the device straight after updating the certificate.

    Unfortunately, I don't know which network operator was used by the device. I just tested the connection, but did not use it any further because my application needed other functionnalities to be done before moving on to the connectivity part (which I can do now...). So I didn't use at all the LTE Link Monitor, I just checked on my nrf cloud account that the device was connected in the "device management" area.

    I'm using the provided ibasis eSIM.

    And sorry, I must not have been clear about the VM. I was already on a linux VM when I established the first connection, i just changed the VM for another one. I don't have nrf connect for desktop, nor any nordic files on my physical machine.

    Finally, when I try to add my device to the nrf cloud, I get the following message : "There was an error adding your device: No device found for this id. The device has not yet been provisioned."

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Dejan, 

    Thanks for your answer !

    So yes, I did delete the device straight after updating the certificate.

    Unfortunately, I don't know which network operator was used by the device. I just tested the connection, but did not use it any further because my application needed other functionnalities to be done before moving on to the connectivity part (which I can do now...). So I didn't use at all the LTE Link Monitor, I just checked on my nrf cloud account that the device was connected in the "device management" area.

    I'm using the provided ibasis eSIM.

    And sorry, I must not have been clear about the VM. I was already on a linux VM when I established the first connection, i just changed the VM for another one. I don't have nrf connect for desktop, nor any nordic files on my physical machine.

    Finally, when I try to add my device to the nrf cloud, I get the following message : "There was an error adding your device: No device found for this id. The device has not yet been provisioned."

    Kind regards,

