Flashing failed due to protection on the device

OS: Windows 10
NCS: 2.0.0

I am working on the Nordic DFU NCS Guide on a nRF52833 DK  devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../ncs-dfu

After flashing/debugging several times, I started seeing the message below.  I responded with "yes".   Now I am not able to "debug".  I can only "flash" it. 

I thought something was wrong with the board, so I used a brand new nRF52833DK.  The same thing started happening.  

Any idea of what is going on?

Parents Reply
  • No, it was never resolved.  I have been side tracked with other issues. 

    I have updated to the latest tools and still have the issue.  Even if I try to debug the most basic of applications (hello world) I can not go into debug mode.

    VS Code:  1.77.1
    NCS: 2.3.0
    OS: Windows 10

    I believe there is something wrong with the DK or the interaction with VS Code.

    I still want to find the solution.  I am going to reach out to my local FAE (we live in the same town) and give him one of the failing boards.
