Does someone has experience with SDR analyzing a nRF9160 ?

Sometimes is interesting to see more details of each layer.

I remembered some times ago, that SoftwareDefinedRadio (SDR) comes with a lot of possibilities at a very low price (15-30 Euro).

Therefore I did a short research about "SDR + NB-IoT" and found:


Does someone has experience with that? 

  • Hi,

    We do have a Amarisoft Callbox at one of our labs, which uses similar principles as what you are linking to. It is in a quite different price class though...

    One of my colleagues did some experiments with SDR some years ago, and said that you had to be quite proficient with both Linux and LTE to get it up and running. In the end, he had to give up.

    In short, while it should be possible, it seems to require quite a bit of expertise, and isn't really something we can help you with.

    Best regards,


  • Thanks for your answer.

    > One of my colleagues did some experiments with SDR some years ago, and said that you had to be quite proficient with both Linux and LTE to get it up and running. 

    That's also my experience some years ago ;-).

    > and isn't really something we can help you with.


    I asked it to see, if other users have experience with it.

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