Hello dear viewer!

I am working on the AWS IOT sample and completed the steps described in the AWS IoT documentation.

After doing this it gets stuck at:

Next connection retry in 30 seconds


E: mqtt_connect, error: -111

From the LTE Link Monitor I can conclude that it is connected to LTE. So it must be a configuration problem on the AWS IOT side?

In the AWS IoT - Monitor I can see there are some succesfull connections coming from this device. But for some reason it is not able to send it's MQTT message?

Any idea's on how to debug this?

Kind regards,

Kraiwin Namsri

  • Hi,

    -111, ECONNREFUSED, indicate that you got the credentials wrong. Please make sure you use the correct CA certificate for the server, and the correct private key and public certificate for the device, and the right sec_tag.

    You can use the Trace Collector V2 to take a modem trace, which can give you a .pcap showing you the network traffic, including the TLS handshake. That can help you identify which credential is wrong.

    Best regards,

