Beware that this post is related to an SDK in maintenance mode
More Info: Consider nRF Connect SDK for new designs

nRF52-DK "Failed to connect to target" and "Access protection is enabled, can't read device version"

Hello Nordic developers,

Last week, I got a new nRF52-DK development board from Mouser Electronics UK. I could use this board for a while with SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM 5.68 and nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560. I could run "blinky" and other examples from the SDK successfully. Also a program I wrote was successfully programmed in the chip. A day later, I could not program the chip anymore. SEGGER showed the following screen:

After a click "Yes" I got the same screen again:

Then SEGGER showed the following screen:

I read in this forum that this is related to some new "Access Protection" feature and that to disable I should recover the board using nrfjprog. This is what I did as you can see in the following commands:

> nrfjprog --version                     
nrfjprog version: 10.14.0 external
JLinkARM.dll version: 7.56b

> nrfjprog --recover --family NRF52 --log
Recovering device. This operation might take 30s.
ERROR: [  nRF52] - Access protection is enabled, can't read device version.
ERROR: [  nRF52] - Failed to write UICR after recovering.
ERROR: Recover failed. Please make sure that the correct device family is given
ERROR: and try again.

As a result, it looks like I cannot recover the chip because Access protection is enabled. The logs generated by nrfjprog are the following:

[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [ info] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [ info] nrfjprog --recover --family NRF52 --log 
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [ info] nrfjprog version 10.14.0 external
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [ info] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [ info] Load library at /opt/nrf-command-line-tools/lib/
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [ info] Library loaded, loading member functions.
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [ info] Member functions succesfully loaded.
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [ Client] - open
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [ Client] - start
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [ info] [ Client] - stdout: Jlinkarm nRF Worker ready. Handling sequence ef6619eb-0374-4e27-963e-8131679c07f5.
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [trace] [ Client] - Command open executed for 6 milliseconds with result 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [ Client] - enum_emu_snr
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [  JLink] - Logger sink registered in JLink logger
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [  nRF52] - open
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - open_dll
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect.
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Load library at /opt/SEGGER/JLink/
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Library loaded, loading member functions.
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Member functions succesfully loaded.
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - dll_version
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Segger dll version 7.56.b loaded.
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [trace] [ Worker] - Command open executed for 3 milliseconds with result 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [  nRF52] - enum_emu_snr
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - enum_emu_snr
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_enum_emu_snr
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_get_num_emus
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [trace] [ Client] - Command enum_emu_snr executed for 359 milliseconds with result 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [ Client] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [trace] [ Worker] - Command enum_emu_snr executed for 359 milliseconds with result 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [  nRF52] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_enum_emu_snr
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_get_num_emus
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_connect_to_emu_with_snr
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_connect_to_emu_without_snr
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Segger logging enabled.
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - Firmware: J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Jul  2 2021 10:55:25
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - Firmware: J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Jul  2 2021 10:55:25
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [ Client] - Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 492 milliseconds with result 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [ Client] - recover
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - Hardware: V1.00
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - S/N: 1050385806
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - OEM: SEGGER
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - Feature(s): None
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - TELNET listener socket opened on port 19021
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - WEBSRV WEBSRV_Init(): Starting webserver thread(s)
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - WEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19080
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 18.354ms returns "O.K."  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetHWStatus(...)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.177ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("SetRestartOnClose = 0", ...).   
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.002ms returns 0x01  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("DisableFlashDL", ...).   
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.009ms returns 0x00  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("ExcludeFlashCacheRange 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF", ...).   
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.002ms returns 0x00  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog(...)
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.007ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.893ms returns 0x00  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetSpeed(2000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.070ms  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetSN()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.003ms returns 1050385806  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_idr
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - coresight_configure
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.460ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.268ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x2BA01477
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.218ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.004ms  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [ Worker] - Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 492 milliseconds with result 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [  nRF52] - recover
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.007ms returns 0x01  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_recover
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_is_debug_region_powered
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.197ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0xF0000040
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.227ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.193ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.252ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.283ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.268ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.234ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.180ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000001)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.233ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.440ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:28] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:28] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:28] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.347ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:28] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:28] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:28] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:28] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.389ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:28] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:29] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.430ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:29] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.304ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:30] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:30] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:30] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:30] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:30] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:30] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.395ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:30] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:30] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:30] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:30] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:30] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:30] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:30] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.387ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:30] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:31] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:31] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:31] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:31] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:31] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:31] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.349ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:31] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:31] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:31] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:31] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:31] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:31] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:31] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.456ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:31] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:32] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:32] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:32] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:32] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:32] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:32] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.253ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:32] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:32] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:32] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:32] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:32] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:32] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:32] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.227ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:32] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:33] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:33] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:33] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:33] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:33] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:33] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.474ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:33] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:33] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:33] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:33] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:33] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:33] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:33] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.503ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:33] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:34] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:34] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:34] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:34] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:34] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:34] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.314ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:34] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:34] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:34] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:34] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:34] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:34] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:34] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.448ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:34] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:35] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:35] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:35] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:35] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:35] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:35] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.407ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:35] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:35] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:35] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:35] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:35] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:35] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:35] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.437ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:35] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:36] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.423ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:36] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.440ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.443ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_debug_reset
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.407ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.388ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.477ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.429ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.447ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.371ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000001)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.337ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.431ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.310ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_readback_status
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.349ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.347ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.339ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.368ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.374ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.411ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.435ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.340ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.273ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.413ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [ info] [  nRF52] - Protection status read as APPROTECT -> ALL
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000001)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.255ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.360ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:38] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:38] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:38] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:38] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:38] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:38] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.464ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:38] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:38] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:38] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:38] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:38] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:38] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:38] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.401ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:38] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:39] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:39] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:39] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:39] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:39] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:39] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.461ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:39] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:39] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:39] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:39] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:39] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:39] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:39] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.414ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:39] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:40] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:40] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:40] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:40] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:40] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:40] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.472ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:40] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:40] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:40] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:40] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:40] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:40] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:40] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.441ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:40] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:41] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:41] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:41] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:41] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:41] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:41] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.430ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:41] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:41] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:41] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:41] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:41] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:41] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:41] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.430ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:41] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:42] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:42] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:42] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:42] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:42] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:42] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.266ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:42] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:42] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:42] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:42] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:42] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:42] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:42] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.272ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:42] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:43] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:43] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:43] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:43] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:43] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:43] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.322ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:43] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:43] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:43] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:43] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:43] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:43] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:43] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.287ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:43] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:44] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:44] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:44] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:44] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:44] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:44] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.325ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:44] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:44] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:44] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:44] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:44] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:44] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:44] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.447ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:44] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:45] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:45] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:45] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:45] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:45] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:45] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.412ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:45] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:45] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:45] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:45] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:45] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:45] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:45] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.511ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:45] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:46] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.264ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:46] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.229ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.342ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_debug_reset
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.275ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.257ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.241ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.248ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.216ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.183ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000001)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.262ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.318ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.293ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_readback_status
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.287ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.233ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.206ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.316ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.282ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.174ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.202ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.339ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.291ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.239ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [ info] [  nRF52] - Protection status read as APPROTECT -> ALL
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000001)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.150ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.467ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:48] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.357ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:48] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.412ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:49] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:49] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:49] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:49] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:49] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:49] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.472ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:49] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:49] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:49] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:49] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:49] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:49] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:49] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.417ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:49] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:50] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:50] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:50] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:50] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:50] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:50] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.396ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:50] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:50] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:50] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:50] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:50] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:50] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:50] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.455ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:50] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:51] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:51] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:51] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:51] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:51] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:51] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.485ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:51] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:51] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:51] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:51] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:51] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:51] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:51] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.475ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:51] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:52] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:52] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:52] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:52] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:52] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:52] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.440ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:52] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:52] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:52] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:52] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:52] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:52] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:52] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.466ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:52] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:53] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:53] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:53] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:53] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:53] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:53] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.445ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:53] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:53] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:53] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:53] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:53] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:53] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:53] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.456ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:53] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:54] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:54] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:54] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:54] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:54] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:54] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.322ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:54] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:54] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:54] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:54] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:54] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:54] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:54] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.304ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:54] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:55] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:55] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:55] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:55] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:55] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:55] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.409ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:55] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:55] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:55] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:55] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:55] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:55] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:55] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.311ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:55] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.359ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.399ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.310ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_debug_reset
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.213ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.207ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.209ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.202ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.256ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.182ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000001)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.173ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.185ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.177ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_readback_status
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.247ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [ Client] - Command recover executed for 30119 milliseconds with result -21
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.522ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.307ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.319ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.221ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.186ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.243ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.246ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.362ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.309ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [ info] [  nRF52] - Protection status read as APPROTECT -> ALL
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [  nRF52] - write_approtect
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [ info] [  nRF52] - Restoring UICR values to keep device unprotected.
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_read_device_version
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_readback_status
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.200ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.233ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.338ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.304ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.317ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.242ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.320ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.290ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.304ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.366ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [ info] [  nRF52] - Protection status read as APPROTECT -> ALL
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [error] [  nRF52] - Access protection is enabled, can't read device version.
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [error] [  nRF52] - Failed to write UICR after recovering.
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.017ms  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [ Worker] - Command recover executed for 30119 milliseconds with result -21
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [  nRF52] - close
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.023ms returns 0x01  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - close
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - disconnect_from_emu
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_disconnect_from_emu
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_device
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsConnected()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.005ms returns FALSE  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_is_debug_region_powered
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.240ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0xF0000040
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.255ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - unpower_debug_and_system_regions
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_debug_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01, 0x00000000)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.228ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_is_debug_region_powered
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000040
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.235ms returns 0  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.004ms  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Close()  
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Segger Backend closed.
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [  nRF52] - nRF family DLL closed
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [ Client] - Command close executed for 36 milliseconds with result 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [ Client] - terminate
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [ Client] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [ Worker] - Command close executed for 36 milliseconds with result 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [ Worker] - Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [ Worker] - Executed 6 commands for 31009 milliseconds
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [ Client] - Worker process exited with code: 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [ Client] - Tried to wait on already ended process: wait error: No child processes
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [ Client] - Child process terminated with result 0
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [trace] [ Client] - Executed 6 commands for 31012 milliseconds
[2023-Feb-21 13:24:57] [debug] [ Client] - terminate

Also I tried to "Erase" the chip using nrfConnect's Programmer as you can see in the following screenshots with no success.

After clicking "Erase All"  I get the following log:

2023-02-21T13:32:20.529Z DEBUG Application data folder: /home/suso/.config/nrfconnect/pc-nrfconnect-programmer
2023-02-21T13:32:20.623Z DEBUG App pc-nrfconnect-programmer v3.0.6 local
2023-02-21T13:32:20.623Z DEBUG App path: /home/suso/.nrfconnect-apps/node_modules/pc-nrfconnect-programmer
2023-02-21T13:32:20.623Z DEBUG nRFConnect 4.0.0, required by the app is (>=4.0.0)
2023-02-21T13:32:20.623Z DEBUG nRFConnect path: /tmp/.mount_nrfcon8Blgte/resources/app.asar
2023-02-21T13:32:20.623Z DEBUG HomeDir: /home/suso
2023-02-21T13:32:20.624Z DEBUG TmpDir: /tmp
2023-02-21T13:32:20.805Z INFO Using nrf-device-lib-js version: 0.5.0
2023-02-21T13:32:20.805Z INFO Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.13.11
2023-02-21T13:32:20.806Z INFO Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.18.2
2023-02-21T13:32:20.806Z INFO Using JLink version: JLink_V7.56b
2023-02-21T13:32:20.844Z INFO Installed JLink version does not match the provided version (V7.66a)
2023-02-21T13:32:24.342Z INFO Using @nordicsemiconductor/nrf-device-lib-js to communicate with target via JLink
2023-02-21T13:32:24.343Z INFO JLink OB firmware version J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Jul  2 2021 10:55:25
2023-02-21T13:32:24.343Z INFO Device family NRF52_FAMILY
2023-02-21T13:32:24.343Z INFO Device version NRF51xxx_xxAA_REV1
2023-02-21T13:32:24.343Z INFO Board version PCA10040
2023-02-21T13:32:24.343Z INFO Loading readback protection status for Application core
2023-02-21T13:32:25.479Z INFO Readback protection status: NRFDL_PROTECTION_STATUS_ALL
2023-02-21T13:32:25.485Z INFO Parse memory regions for Application core
2023-02-21T13:32:25.491Z INFO Update files regions according to Application core
2023-02-21T13:32:25.491Z INFO Parse memory regions for file
2023-02-21T13:32:25.500Z INFO Device is loaded and ready for further operation
2023-02-21T13:32:25.504Z INFO Skipped reading, since at least one core has app readback protection
2023-02-21T13:32:25.537Z DEBUG Client Id: 28f3d743-e21f-492c-9a40-2c9fc402e25f
2023-02-21T13:32:25.605Z DEBUG Google Analytics for category pc-nrfconnect-programmer has initialized
2023-02-21T13:32:53.462Z INFO Recovering NRFDL_DEVICE_CORE_APPLICATION core
2023-02-21T13:33:54.377Z ERROR Failed to recover NRFDL_DEVICE_CORE_APPLICATION core: async task failure for id: 1676986373464085 msg: [jlink] RECOVER_FAILED (Origin: "Error when running  operation: recover")
2023-02-21T13:33:54.378Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-programmer","action":"Open jlink OB version","label":"J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Jul  2 2021 10:55:25"}
2023-02-21T13:33:54.382Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-programmer","action":"Open jlink device family","label":"NRF52_FAMILY"}
2023-02-21T13:33:54.384Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-programmer","action":"Open jlink device version","label":"NRF51xxx_xxAA_REV1"}
2023-02-21T13:33:54.385Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-programmer","action":"Open jlink device board version","label":"PCA10040"}
2023-02-21T13:33:54.386Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-programmer","action":"Open device","label":"jlink"}
2023-02-21T13:33:54.387Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-programmer","action":"architecture","label":"x64"}
2023-02-21T13:33:54.388Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-programmer","action":"Report error","label":"linux; x64; v3.0.6; Failed to recover NRFDL_DEVICE_CORE_APPLICATION core: async task failure for id: 1676986373464085 msg: [jlink] RECOVER_FAILED (Origin: \"Error when running  operation: recover\")"}
2023-02-21T13:33:54.396Z INFO Device recovery completed
2023-02-21T13:33:54.398Z INFO Using @nordicsemiconductor/nrf-device-lib-js to communicate with target via JLink
2023-02-21T13:33:54.399Z INFO JLink OB firmware version J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Jul  2 2021 10:55:25
2023-02-21T13:33:54.399Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-programmer","action":"Open jlink OB version","label":"J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Jul  2 2021 10:55:25"}
2023-02-21T13:33:54.401Z INFO Device family NRF52_FAMILY
2023-02-21T13:33:54.401Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-programmer","action":"Open jlink device family","label":"NRF52_FAMILY"}
2023-02-21T13:33:54.403Z INFO Device version NRF51xxx_xxAA_REV1
2023-02-21T13:33:54.403Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-programmer","action":"Open jlink device version","label":"NRF51xxx_xxAA_REV1"}
2023-02-21T13:33:54.405Z INFO Board version PCA10040
2023-02-21T13:33:54.405Z DEBUG Sending usage data {"category":"pc-nrfconnect-programmer","action":"Open jlink device board version","label":"PCA10040"}
2023-02-21T13:33:54.406Z INFO Loading readback protection status for Application core
2023-02-21T13:33:55.464Z INFO Readback protection status: NRFDL_PROTECTION_STATUS_ALL
2023-02-21T13:33:55.471Z INFO Parse memory regions for Application core
2023-02-21T13:33:55.479Z INFO Update files regions according to Application core
2023-02-21T13:33:55.479Z INFO Parse memory regions for file
2023-02-21T13:33:55.485Z INFO Device is loaded and ready for further operation
2023-02-21T13:33:55.488Z INFO Skipped reading, since at least one core has app readback protection

I know that the nrf52832 chip is working correctly because it is currently executing the last program I flashed. This program sends data via the UART port and I can read it correctly from my computer. The issue is that I cannot program the board again due to the Access Protection issue.

This is the image of the board:

Do you have an idea how I can "resurrect" this board so I program software again?

  • Have you tried  nrfjprog --recover

    The response you should get should be: 

    Recovering device. This operation might take 30s.
    Erasing user code and UICR flash areas.
    Writing image to disable ap protect.

  • I tried that command and I get this Error message

    > nrfjprog --recover --log
    Recovering device. This operation might take 30s.
    [error] [  nRF52] - Access protection is enabled, can't read device version.
    ERROR: Recover failed. Please make sure that the correct device family is given
    ERROR: and try again.

    The log file is the following:

    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] ./nrfjprog --recover --log 
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] nrfjprog version 10.19.0 external
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [ info] Load library at /home/suso/intellegens/BATERY/nrf-command-line-tools/lib/
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [ info] Library loaded, loading member functions.
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [ info] Member functions succesfully loaded.
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [ Client] - open
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [ Client] - start
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [ info] [ Client] - stdout: Jlinkarm nRF Worker ready. Handling sequence a69e85e9-196d-46a9-9690-f5f8a1813ed0.
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [  JLink] - Logger sink registered in JLink logger
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [  nRFXX] - open
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [  nRFXX] - just_check_family
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - open_dll
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect.
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [trace] [ Client] - Command open executed for 4 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [ Client] - config
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [trace] [ Client] - Command config executed for 2 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [ Client] - enum_emu_snr
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Load library at /opt/SEGGER/JLink/
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Library loaded, loading member functions.
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Member functions succesfully loaded.
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Set batch mode
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - dll_version
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [ info] [SeggerBackend] - Segger dll version 7.56.b loaded.
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [trace] [ Worker] - Command open executed for 2 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [  nRFXX] - config
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - enum_emu_snr
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [trace] [ Worker] - Command config executed for 2 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [  nRFXX] - enum_emu_con_info
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - enum_emu_con_info
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [trace] [ Client] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 167 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [ Client] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [trace] [ Worker] - Command enum_emu_con_info executed for 167 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [  nRFXX] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_enum_emu_snr
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:25] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_get_num_emus
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_connect_to_emu_without_snr
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Segger logging enabled.
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - Firmware: J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Jul  2 2021 10:55:25
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - Firmware: J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Jul  2 2021 10:55:25
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [ Client] - Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 508 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [ Client] - read_connected_emu_snr
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [ Client] - Command read_connected_emu_snr executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [ Client] - recover
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - Hardware: V1.00
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - S/N: 1050385806
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - OEM: SEGGER
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - Feature(s): None
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - TELNET listener socket opened on port 19021
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - WEBSRV WEBSRV_Init(): Starting webserver thread(s)
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - WEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19080
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 16.658ms returns "O.K."  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("SetRestartOnClose = 0", ...).   
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.002ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("DisableFlashDL", ...).   
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.007ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("ExcludeFlashCacheRange 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF", ...).   
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.001ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog(...)
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.004ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.694ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetSpeedInfo()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - 128000000 Hz / n, n >= 64
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.005ms  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Connected emulator supports SWD speeds up to 2000kHz
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_SetSpeed(2000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.126ms  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetSpeed()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.003ms returns 2000  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - SWD clock set to 2000kHz
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetSN()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.003ms returns 1050385806  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.004ms  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [  nRFXX] - read_device_family
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [  nRFXX] - read_device_family
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.002ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_idr
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - coresight_configure
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_GetHWStatus(...)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.177ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.354ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_idr
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_debug_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.303ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x2BA01477
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.349ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x2BA01477
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.302ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [ info] [  nRFXX] - Discovered device from family NRF52.
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.005ms  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - set_core_data
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Set core data:
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] -   Device ID: nRF52
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] -   Expected core: 234881279
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] -   Existing Expected core: 4294967295
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] -   Coprocessor: APPLICATION
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] -   AHB AP index: 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] -   Core base address: 4294967295
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---set_coresight_ahb_ap_index
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("CORESIGHT_SetIndexAHBAPToUse = 0", ...).   
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.001ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_ExecCommand("device = nRF52", ...).   
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - Device "NRF52" selected.
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - Device "NRF52" selected.
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.358ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [ Worker] - Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 508 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [  nRF52] - read_connected_emu_snr
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.005ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_connected_emu_snr
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.002ms  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [ Worker] - Command read_connected_emu_snr executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [  nRF52] - recover
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.006ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_recover
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.224ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0xF0000040
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.213ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.182ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.280ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.236ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.234ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.238ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.248ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.211ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.360ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:26] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:27] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.442ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:27] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:27] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:27] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.469ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:27] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:28] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:28] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:28] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.512ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:28] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:28] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:28] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:28] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:28] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.524ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:28] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:29] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.248ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:29] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:29] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:29] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.488ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:29] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:30] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:30] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:30] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:30] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:30] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:30] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.481ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:30] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:30] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:30] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:30] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:30] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:30] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:30] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.380ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:30] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:31] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:31] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:31] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:31] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:31] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:31] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.443ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:31] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:31] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:31] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:31] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:31] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:31] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:31] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.426ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:31] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:32] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:32] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:32] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:32] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:32] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:32] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.321ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:32] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:32] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:32] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:32] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:32] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:32] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:32] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.361ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:32] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:33] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:33] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:33] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:33] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:33] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:33] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.478ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:33] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:33] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:33] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:33] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:33] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:33] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:33] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.505ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:33] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:34] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:34] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:34] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:34] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:34] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:34] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.456ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:34] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:34] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:34] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:34] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:34] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:34] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:34] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.480ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:34] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:35] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:35] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:35] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:35] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:35] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:35] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.225ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:35] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:35] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:35] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:35] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:35] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:35] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:35] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.361ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:35] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.444ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_debug_reset
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.351ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.410ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.385ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.366ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.361ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.297ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.341ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.389ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.374ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_readback_status
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.367ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.420ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.431ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.419ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.322ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.410ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.411ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.438ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.357ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.342ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [ info] [  nRF52] - Protection status read as APPROTECT -> ALL
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.328ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.512ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:36] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:37] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.580ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:37] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:37] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:37] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.479ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:37] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:38] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:38] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:38] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:38] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:38] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:38] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.395ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:38] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:38] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:38] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:38] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:38] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:38] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:38] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.417ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:38] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:39] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:39] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:39] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:39] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:39] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:39] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.404ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:39] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:39] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:39] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:39] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:39] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:39] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:39] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.530ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:39] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:40] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:40] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:40] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:40] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:40] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:40] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.705ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:40] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:40] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:40] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:40] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:40] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:40] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:40] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.459ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:40] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:41] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:41] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:41] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:41] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:41] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:41] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.511ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:41] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:41] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:41] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:41] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:41] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:41] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:41] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.487ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:41] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:42] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:42] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:42] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:42] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:42] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:42] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.432ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:42] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:42] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:42] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:42] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:42] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:42] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:42] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.335ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:42] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:43] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:43] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:43] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:43] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:43] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:43] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.492ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:43] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:43] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:43] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:43] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:43] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:43] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:43] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.409ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:43] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:44] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:44] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:44] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:44] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:44] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:44] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.547ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:44] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:44] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:44] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:44] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:44] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:44] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:44] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.382ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:44] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:45] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:45] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:45] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:45] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:45] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:45] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.361ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:45] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:45] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:45] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:45] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:45] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:45] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:45] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.417ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:45] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.573ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_debug_reset
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.263ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.225ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.235ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.206ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.242ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.249ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.234ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.230ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.259ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_readback_status
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.279ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.243ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.250ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.249ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.200ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 1.256ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.226ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.350ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.305ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.236ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [ info] [  nRF52] - Protection status read as APPROTECT -> ALL
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.172ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:46] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.332ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:47] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:47] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:47] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.464ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:47] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:48] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.223ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:48] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:48] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:48] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.507ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:48] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:49] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:49] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:49] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:49] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:49] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:49] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.222ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:49] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:49] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:49] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:49] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:49] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:49] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:49] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.496ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:49] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:50] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:50] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:50] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:50] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:50] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:50] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.473ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:50] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:50] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:50] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:50] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:50] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:50] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:50] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.243ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:50] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:51] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:51] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:51] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:51] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:51] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:51] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.331ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:51] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:51] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:51] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:51] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:51] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:51] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:51] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.411ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:51] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:52] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:52] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:52] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:52] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:52] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:52] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.419ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:52] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:52] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:52] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:52] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:52] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:52] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:52] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.413ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:52] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:53] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:53] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:53] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:53] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:53] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:53] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.309ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:53] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:53] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:53] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:53] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:53] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:53] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:53] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.359ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:53] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:54] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:54] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:54] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:54] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:54] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:54] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.326ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:54] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:54] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:54] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:54] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:54] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:54] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:54] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.324ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:54] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:55] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:55] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:55] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:55] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:55] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:55] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.280ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:55] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:55] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:55] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:55] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:55] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:55] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:55] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.458ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:55] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.478ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000001
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.445ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_debug_reset
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.418ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.430ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.294ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.418ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.490ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.278ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.408ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.307ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.292ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_readback_status
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.328ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.370ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.419ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.431ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.347ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.292ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.301ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.340ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [ Client] - Command recover executed for 30127 milliseconds with result -21
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.321ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.371ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [ info] [  nRF52] - Protection status read as APPROTECT -> ALL
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_read_device_version
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_readback_status
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [  nRF52] - Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.350ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.378ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.365ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.264ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x02880000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.269ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.328ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.362ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.351ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.314ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - Value=0x00000000
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.311ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [ info] [  nRF52] - Protection status read as APPROTECT -> ALL
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [error] [  nRF52] - Access protection is enabled, can't read device version.
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.020ms  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [ Worker] - Command recover executed for 30127 milliseconds with result -21
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [  nRF52] - close
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.021ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - close
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - disconnect_from_emu
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_disconnect_from_emu
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - is_connected_to_device
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [debug] [SeggerBackend] - Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - - 0.287ms returns 0  
    [2023-Feb-22 16:43:56] [trace] [  JLink] - JLINK_HasError()  

  • HI Shahin97,

    Thank you for your suggestion. It does not work though.

    When I start RTT Viewer, it prompts me to clear the device as you said:

    A few seconds after clicking "Yes" button I get the message "Could not connect to the target":

    These are the logs for RTT Viewer:

    LOG: J-Link RTT Viewer V7.86a: Logging started.
    LOG: Terminal 0 added.
    LOG: Connecting to J-Link via USB...
    LOG: Updating firmware:  J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Nov  7 2022 16:22:01
    LOG: Replacing firmware: J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Jul  2 2021 10:55:25
    LOG: Waiting for new firmware to boot
    LOG: New firmware booted successfully
    LOG: Device "NRF52832_XXAA" selected.
    LOG: InitTarget() start
    LOG: Device will be unsecured now.
    LOG: InitTarget() end - Took 11522ms
    LOG: Connect failed. Resetting via Reset pin and trying again.
    LOG: InitTarget() start
    LOG: Device will be unsecured now.
    LOG: InitTarget() end - Took 6403ms
    ERROR: Could not connect to target device.

  • Thanks for the information.

    It would be very useful if we could get the log output from nRF Util, as I mentioned in the other ticket regarding the same issue (Error "failed to connect to target")

    You can upload the logs here, and I can forward it to our developers.


  • HI Joakim,

    Thank you for you suggestion.

    I installed the latest version of nrfUtil and executed the recover command as follows:

    > ./nrfutil device recover --log-level trace --serial-number 1050385806
    ❌ Failed to recover 1050385806, [jlink] RECOVER_FAILED
    Error: One or more recover tasks failed

    The generated logs are these:

    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.529Z] [nrfutil-device] INFO - nrfutil-device (version = 1.0.1, platform = x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) invoked with recover --log-level trace --serial-number 1050385806 
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - cargo = false, force_libnrfdl_lookup = false, force_nrfutil_libdir = false
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.529Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Creating the nrfdl context via nrfdl_create_context_with_config: Plugin location is assumed to be /home/suso/.nrfutil/lib/nrfutil-device
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.557Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.557Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][HighLevel][] dll_version
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.559Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [SeggerBackend] [Debug] Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.559Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [JLink] [Debug] Logger sink registered in JLink logger
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.559Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [nRFXX] [Debug] open
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.559Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [nRFXX] [Debug] just_check_family
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.559Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [SeggerBackend] [Debug] open_dll
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.559Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [SeggerBackend] [Debug] No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.559Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [SeggerBackend] [Info] Load library at /opt/SEGGER/JLink/
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.562Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [SeggerBackend] [Info] Library loaded, loading member functions.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.562Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [SeggerBackend] [Info] Member functions succesfully loaded.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.562Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [SeggerBackend] [Debug] dll_version
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.562Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [SeggerBackend] [Info] Segger dll version 7.86.a loaded.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.562Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [nRFXX] [Debug] dll_version
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.562Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [SeggerBackend] [Debug] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.562Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [SeggerBackend] [Debug] dll_version
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.562Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [SeggerBackend] [Debug] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.562Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [nRFXX] [Debug] close
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.562Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [SeggerBackend] [Debug] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.562Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [SeggerBackend] [Debug] close
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.562Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [SeggerBackend] [Debug] disconnect_from_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.562Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [SeggerBackend] [Debug] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.563Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [SeggerBackend] [Debug] Segger Backend closed.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.563Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG] [nRFXX] [Debug] nRF family DLL closed
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.563Z] [nrfutil-device] WARN - [JlinkARM] JlinkARM version non expected one found: JLink_V7.86a, expected: JLink_V7.66a
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.563Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - DeviceLister::enumerate: Checking future_status of enumerate_task_status
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.563Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - DeviceLister::enumerate: Waiting for enumerate task to complete
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.563Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - DeviceLister::enumerate::enumerate_task: Start
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.563Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - DeviceLister::enumerate::enumerate_task: Before async_lister->enumerate
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.563Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Starting iteration 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.563Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Doing copyDeviceToUsb of device #0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.563Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - Unable to open USB device. Error code: -3. idProduct=3, idVendor=7531
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for manufacturer
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for product
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for serialnumber
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Found new device, adding it
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: New device added, in total 1 devices are added
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Starting iteration 1
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Doing copyDeviceToUsb of device #1
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - Unable to open USB device. Error code: -3. idProduct=2, idVendor=7531
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for manufacturer
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for product
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for serialnumber
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Found new device, adding it
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: New device added, in total 1 devices are added
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Starting iteration 2
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Doing copyDeviceToUsb of device #2
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - Unable to open USB device. Error code: -3. idProduct=790, idVendor=3034
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for manufacturer
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for product
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for serialnumber
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Found new device, adding it
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: New device added, in total 2 devices are added
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Starting iteration 3
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Doing copyDeviceToUsb of device #3
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - Unable to open USB device. Error code: -3. idProduct=3, idVendor=7531
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for manufacturer
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for product
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for serialnumber
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Found new device, adding it
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: New device added, in total 2 devices are added
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Starting iteration 4
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.564Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Doing copyDeviceToUsb of device #4
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.677Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for manufacturer
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.677Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for product
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.677Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for serialnumber
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Found new device, adding it
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: New device added, in total 3 devices are added
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Starting iteration 5
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Doing copyDeviceToUsb of device #5
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - Unable to open USB device. Error code: -3. idProduct=8467, idVendor=22918
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for manufacturer
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for product
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for serialnumber
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Found new device, adding it
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: New device added, in total 4 devices are added
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Starting iteration 6
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Doing copyDeviceToUsb of device #6
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - Unable to open USB device. Error code: -3. idProduct=2603, idVendor=32903
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for manufacturer
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for product
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for serialnumber
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Found new device, adding it
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: New device added, in total 5 devices are added
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.678Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Starting iteration 7
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.679Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Doing copyDeviceToUsb of device #7
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.679Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for manufacturer
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.679Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for product
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.679Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for serialnumber
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.679Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Found new device, adding it
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.679Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: New device added, in total 6 devices are added
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.679Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Starting iteration 8
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.679Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Doing copyDeviceToUsb of device #8
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.679Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - Unable to open USB device. Error code: -3. idProduct=321, idVendor=1241
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.679Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for manufacturer
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.680Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for product
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.680Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for serialnumber
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.680Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Found new device, adding it
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.680Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: New device added, in total 7 devices are added
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.680Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Starting iteration 9
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.680Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Doing copyDeviceToUsb of device #9
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.680Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - Unable to open USB device. Error code: -3. idProduct=2, idVendor=7531
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.680Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for manufacturer
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.680Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for product
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.680Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::copyDeviceToUSB: Getting string descriptor for serialnumber
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.680Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Found new device, adding it
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.680Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: New device added, in total 7 devices are added
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.680Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - USBPlatformAPI::enumerate: Found 7 devices
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.680Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding device with serial number: 
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.680Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding device with serial number: 
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.680Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding device with serial number: d843b486461f
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.680Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding device with serial number: 001050385806
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.681Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding device with serial number: 
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.681Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding device with serial number: 
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.681Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - USBLister: Adding device with serial number: 
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.681Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - DeviceLister::enumerate::enumerate_task: After async_lister->enumerate
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.682Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] JLinkPlugin::enumerate
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.683Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [->] enumerate
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.683Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] JLinkHW::enumerate all devices
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.683Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.683Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][HighLevel][] get_connected_probes
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.685Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.685Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][HighLevel][] probe_init
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.685Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.685Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] User set clock_speed == 0, setting default clock speed to default value 2000.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.685Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.685Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] initialize
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.701Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.701Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] open
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.701Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.701Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] start
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.713Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.713Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command open executed for 5 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.713Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.713Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Logger sink registered in JLink logger
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][] open
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][] just_check_family
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] open_dll
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] dll_version
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command open executed for 3 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][] connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.720Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.721Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.721Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.721Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.721Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.721Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_enum_emu_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.721Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:41.721Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_get_num_emus
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.093Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.093Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.254Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.254Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_connect_to_emu_without_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.254Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.254Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Segger logging enabled.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.265Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.265Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Firmware: J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Nov  7 2022 16:22:01
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.265Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.265Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Firmware: J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Nov  7 2022 16:22:01
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.281Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.281Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 567 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.281Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.281Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] read_device_family
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.282Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.282Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command read_device_family executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.282Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.282Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] select_family
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.285Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.285Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Hardware: V1.00
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.285Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.285Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] S/N: 1050385806
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.285Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.285Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] OEM: SEGGER
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.285Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.285Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Feature(s): RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.285Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.285Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] USB speed mode: Full speed (12 MBit/s)
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.285Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] TELNET listener socket opened on port 19021
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] WEBSRV WEBSRV_Init(): Starting webserver thread(s)
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] WEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19080
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 18.136ms returns "O.K."  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_ExecCommand("SetRestartOnClose = 0", ...).   
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.010ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.286Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_ExecCommand("DisableFlashDL", ...).   
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.007ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_ExecCommand("ExcludeFlashCacheRange 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF", ...).   
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.006ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog(...)
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.027ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.287Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.714ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_GetSpeedInfo()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] 128000000 Hz / n, n >= 64
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.027ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Connected emulator supports SWD speeds up to 2000kHz
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_SetSpeed(2000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.154ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_GetSpeed()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.014ms returns 2000  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.288Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] SWD clock set to 2000kHz
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_GetSN()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.014ms returns 1050385806  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_debug_port_idr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] coresight_configure
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_GetHWStatus(...)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.204ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.289Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.430ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.297ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x2BA01477
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.346ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.033ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.290Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 567 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][] read_device_family
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.036ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_debug_port_idr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.331ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.291Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x2BA01477
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.248ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.023ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command read_device_family executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] set_core_data
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Set core data:
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   Device ID: nRF52
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   Expected core: 234881279
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   Existing Expected core: 4294967295
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.292Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   Coprocessor: APPLICATION
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   AHB AP index: 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   Core base address: 4294967295
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---set_coresight_ahb_ap_index
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_ExecCommand("CORESIGHT_SetIndexAHBAPToUse = 0", ...).   
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.008ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_ExecCommand("device = nRF52", ...).   
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Device "NRF52" selected.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Device "NRF52" selected.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command select_family executed for 5 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] readDeviceInfo
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] read_device_info
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.293Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.294Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command read_device_info executed for 4 milliseconds with result -90
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.294Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.294Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Failed reading device info.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.294Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.294Z] [nrfutil-device] WARN - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Warning: Could not read device info because the device is locked.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.294Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.294Z] [nrfutil-device] WARN - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Warning: No actions other than recover will be available.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.294Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.294Z] [nrfutil-device] WARN - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Warning: Try recovering the device if you want to unlock it.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.294Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.294Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][HighLevel][] get_device_info
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.294Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.294Z] [nrfutil-device] WARN - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Device info is blank. Attempting to reread.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.294Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.294Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] readDeviceInfo
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.294Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.294Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] read_device_info
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.295Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.295Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 4.832ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.295Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command select_family executed for 5 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] read_device_info
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.022ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_read_device_version
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_readback_status
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.296Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.311ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0xF0000040
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command read_device_info executed for 4 milliseconds with result -90
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Failed reading device info.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] WARN - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Warning: Could not read device info because the device is locked.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.297Z] [nrfutil-device] WARN - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Warning: No actions other than recover will be available.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] WARN - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Warning: Try recovering the device if you want to unlock it.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][HighLevel][] Failed to read device info from the device.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] Got partial JLink device info because device has app protect enabled.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.265ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][HighLevel][] get_probe_info
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] getProbeInfo
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.257ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] enum_emu_com
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.298Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.271ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.307ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.299Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.268ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.330ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.300Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.280ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.348ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.301Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.377ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.302Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.303Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.303Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.294ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.303Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.303Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.303Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.303Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.303Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.303Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.303Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.303Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.303Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.303Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.303Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.303Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.303Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.303Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.263ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.303Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Access protection is enabled, can't read device version.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.019ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command read_device_info executed for 3 milliseconds with result -90
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] read_device_info
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.015ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.304Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_read_device_version
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_readback_status
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.305Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.196ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0xF0000040
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.278ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.265ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.306Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.325ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.350ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.307Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.345ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.303ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.308Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.324ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.377ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.309Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.338ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.345ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.345ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.310Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Access protection is enabled, can't read device version.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.024ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command read_device_info executed for 4 milliseconds with result -90
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] enum_emu_com
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.029ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] enum_emu_com
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Create serialport listener
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Enumerate ports
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.311Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Linux serialport enumerate.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.322Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command enum_emu_com, executed for 25 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] read_connected_emu_fwstr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.322Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command read_connected_emu_fwstr executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][HighLevel][] get_readback_protection
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] getReadbackProtectionStatus
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] readback_status
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.325Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.325Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command readback_status executed for 3 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.325Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.325Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][HighLevel][] probe_uninit
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.325Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.325Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][HighLevel][] internal_probe_uninit
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Evaluating com port.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Com port is a Segger device.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Com port serial number matches target serial number.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Found COM port:
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] 	Path   = /dev/ttyACM0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] 	PNP ID = 
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] 	VCOM   = 
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] 	Snr    = 001050385806
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] 	USB ID = 26
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] 	VCOM_D = 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Evaluating com port.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Com port is a Segger device.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Com port serial number matches target serial number.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Found COM port:
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] 	Path   = /dev/ttyACM1
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] 	PNP ID = 
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] 	VCOM   = 
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] 	Snr    = 001050385806
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] 	USB ID = 26
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] 	VCOM_D = 1
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 25.365ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command enum_emu_com, executed for 25 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] read_connected_emu_fwstr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.328Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.009ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_connected_emu_fwstr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_connected_emu_fwstr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_GetFirmwareString(...)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.006ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.005ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command read_connected_emu_fwstr executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] readback_status
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.007ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_readback_status
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.291ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0xF0000040
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.183ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.331ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.319ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.260ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.329Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.275ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.209ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.292ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.256ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.252ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.192ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.184ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.005ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command readback_status executed for 3 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] close
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.330Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.005ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] close
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] disconnect_from_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_disconnect_from_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_device
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.156ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0xF0000040
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.175ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] unpower_debug_and_system_regions
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.154ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000040
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.222ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.331Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.006ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.338Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.338Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Close()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Segger Backend closed.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.349Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] nRF family DLL closed
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.353Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.353Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command close executed for 27 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.353Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.353Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] terminate
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.353Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.353Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.359Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.359Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command close executed for 27 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.359Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.359Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.359Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.359Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Executed 11 commands for 637 milliseconds
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.371Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.371Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.371Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.371Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.371Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.372Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Tried to wait on already ended process: wait error: No child processes
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.372Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.372Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Child process terminated with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.466Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.466Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Executed 11 commands for 640 milliseconds
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.467Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.467Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] terminate
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.474Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.474Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] uninitialize
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.474Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [<-] enumerate [took 790ms]
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.476Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::LINUX] Linux serialport enumerate.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.478Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::LINUX] set container ID: 1
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.478Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::LINUX] set container ID: 1
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.485Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [SerialPortListerHW::LINUX] try to map FTDI to segger device
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.485Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [serialport] serialport enumerate update device: 001050385806
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.489Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [broken] BrokenPlugin::enumerate
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.490Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - DeviceLister::enumerate: Found device with serial number: 
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.490Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - DeviceLister::enumerate: Found device with serial number: 
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.490Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - DeviceLister::enumerate: Found device with serial number: 
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.490Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - DeviceLister::enumerate: Found device with serial number: 001050385806
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.490Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - DeviceLister::enumerate: device registered to device list
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.490Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - DeviceLister::enumerate: Found device with serial number: d843b486461f
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.490Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - DeviceLister::enumerate: Found device with serial number: 
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.490Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - DeviceLister::enumerate: Found device with serial number: 
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.493Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - DeviceLister::enumerate: Completed waiting for enumerate task
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.493Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - DeviceLister::enumerate: done
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.495Z] [nrfutil-device] INFO - Loaded plugin /home/suso/.nrfutil/lib/nrfutil-device/nrfdl-jlink-plugin.nrfdl, starting to resolve symbols
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.495Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.495Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][HighLevel][] probe_init
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.495Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.495Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] User set clock_speed == 0, setting default clock speed to default value 2000.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.495Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.495Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] initialize
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.495Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.496Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.496Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.496Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.501Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.501Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] open
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.501Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.501Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] start
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.505Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.505Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.505Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.505Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.505Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Logger sink registered in JLink logger
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.505Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.505Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][] open
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.505Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.505Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][] just_check_family
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.505Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.505Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] open_dll
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.505Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.505Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.507Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.507Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command open executed for 3 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.507Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.507Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] dll_version
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command open executed for 2 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][] connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_enum_emu_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.515Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_get_num_emus
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.858Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:42.858Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_connect_to_emu_without_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Segger logging enabled.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.039Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.039Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Firmware: J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Nov  7 2022 16:22:01
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.039Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.039Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Firmware: J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Nov  7 2022 16:22:01
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.056Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.056Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 549 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.056Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.056Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] read_device_family
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.057Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.057Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command read_device_family executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.057Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.057Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] select_family
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command select_family executed for 2 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] readDeviceInfo
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Hardware: V1.00
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] S/N: 1050385806
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] OEM: SEGGER
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Feature(s): RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] USB speed mode: Full speed (12 MBit/s)
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] TELNET listener socket opened on port 19021
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] WEBSRV WEBSRV_Init(): Starting webserver thread(s)
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] WEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19080
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 16.250ms returns "O.K."  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_ExecCommand("SetRestartOnClose = 0", ...).   
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.005ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_ExecCommand("DisableFlashDL", ...).   
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.002ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_ExecCommand("ExcludeFlashCacheRange 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF", ...).   
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.003ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog(...)
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.006ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] read_device_info
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.513ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_GetSpeedInfo()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] 128000000 Hz / n, n >= 64
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.007ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Connected emulator supports SWD speeds up to 2000kHz
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_SetSpeed(2000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.072ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_GetSpeed()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.003ms returns 2000  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] SWD clock set to 2000kHz
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_GetSN()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.003ms returns 1050385806  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_debug_port_idr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.060Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] coresight_configure
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_GetHWStatus(...)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 1.173ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.725ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.281ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x2BA01477
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.235ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.010ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 549 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][] read_device_family
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.010ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_debug_port_idr
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.205ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x2BA01477
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.156ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.011ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command read_device_family executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] set_core_data
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Set core data:
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   Device ID: nRF52
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   Expected core: 234881279
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   Existing Expected core: 4294967295
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   Coprocessor: APPLICATION
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   AHB AP index: 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   Core base address: 4294967295
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---set_coresight_ahb_ap_index
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_ExecCommand("CORESIGHT_SetIndexAHBAPToUse = 0", ...).   
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.003ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_ExecCommand("device = nRF52", ...).   
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Device "NRF52" selected.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Device "NRF52" selected.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 2.493ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.061Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command select_family executed for 2 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command read_device_info executed for 2 milliseconds with result -90
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Failed reading device info.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] WARN - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Warning: Could not read device info because the device is locked.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] WARN - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Warning: No actions other than recover will be available.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] WARN - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Warning: Try recovering the device if you want to unlock it.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][HighLevel][] recover
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] recover
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.063Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] recover
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] read_device_info
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.005ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_read_device_version
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_readback_status
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.197ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0xF0000040
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.201ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.174ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.070Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.227ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.216ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.210ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.266ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.187ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.254ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.221ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.207ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.242ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.071Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Access protection is enabled, can't read device version.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.004ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command read_device_info executed for 2 milliseconds with result -90
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] recover
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.003ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_recover
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.217ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0xF0000040
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.179ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.177ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.168ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.173ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.173ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.206ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.072Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.073Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.073Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.073Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.073Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.073Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.073Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.073Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.300ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.073Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.073Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.073Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.073Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.073Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.073Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.249ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.073Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.073Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.569Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.570Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.570Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.570Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.315ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:43.570Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.075Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.075Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.075Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.075Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.075Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.075Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.075Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.076Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.076Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.076Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.445ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.076Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.570Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.570Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.570Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.272ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:44.570Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.075Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.075Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.075Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.075Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.075Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.075Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.075Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.075Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.075Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.075Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.075Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.075Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.299ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.075Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.075Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.570Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.570Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.570Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.330ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.570Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:45.570Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.076Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.076Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.076Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.201ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.076Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.571Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.571Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.571Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.251ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:46.571Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.076Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.076Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.076Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.324ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.076Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.571Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.571Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.571Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.340ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:47.571Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.077Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.077Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.077Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.213ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.077Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.572Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.572Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.572Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.252ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:48.572Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.077Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.077Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.077Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.360ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.077Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.572Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.572Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.572Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.289ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:49.572Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.076Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.076Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.076Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.267ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.076Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.571Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.571Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.571Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.334ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.571Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:50.572Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.076Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.077Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.077Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.077Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.268ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.077Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.572Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.572Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.572Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.573Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.573Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.304ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.573Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:51.573Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.093Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.093Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.093Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.093Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.093Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.093Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.093Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.093Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.093Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.093Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.093Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.093Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.281ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.093Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.093Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.577Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.577Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.577Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.577Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.577Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.577Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.577Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.577Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.577Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.577Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.577Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.577Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.331ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.577Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:52.577Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.331ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_debug_reset
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.286ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.315ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.082Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.246ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.234ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.259ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.170ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.210ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.083Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.256ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.200ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.092Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.102Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.102Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_readback_status
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.102Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.102Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.102Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.102Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.102Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.227ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.234ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.256ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.178ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.177ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.105Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.146ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.174ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.287ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.106Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.223ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.219ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.173ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.108Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.607Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.607Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.607Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.607Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.607Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.607Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.607Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.607Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.607Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.607Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.607Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.607Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.270ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.607Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:53.607Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.101Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.101Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.101Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.101Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.101Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.101Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.101Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.101Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.101Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.101Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.101Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.101Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.271ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.101Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.101Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.606Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.606Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.606Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.606Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.606Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.606Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.606Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.606Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.606Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.606Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.606Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.606Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.276ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.606Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:54.606Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.102Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.102Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.102Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.102Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.102Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.102Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.102Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.102Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.102Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.102Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.102Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.102Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.232ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.102Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.102Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.608Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.608Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.608Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.239ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:55.608Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.104Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.104Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.104Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.354ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.104Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.104Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.608Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.608Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.609Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.609Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.609Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.281ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.609Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:56.609Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.103Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.103Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.103Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.308ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.103Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.103Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.612Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.612Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.612Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.612Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.612Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.612Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.612Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.612Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.612Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.612Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.612Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.612Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.207ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.612Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:57.612Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.107Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.107Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.107Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.394ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.107Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.108Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.613Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.613Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.613Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.265ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:58.613Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.108Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.108Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.108Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.108Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.108Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.108Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.108Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.108Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.108Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.108Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.108Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.108Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.464ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.108Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.613Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.613Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.613Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.225ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.613Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:29:59.613Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.110Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.110Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.110Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.392ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.110Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.110Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.614Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.614Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.614Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.221ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:00.614Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.308ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.614Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.614Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.614Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.275ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:01.614Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.315ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.110Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.614Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.614Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.614Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.239ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.614Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:02.614Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.108Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.358ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_debug_reset
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.293ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.339ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.334ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.272ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.109Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.261ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.191ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.157ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.119Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.300ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.293ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.129Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.139Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.139Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_readback_status
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.139Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.139Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.371ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.293ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.296ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.254ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.276ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.343ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.252ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.334ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.143Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.302ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.144Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.248ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.145Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.145Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.145Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.145Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.145Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.145Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.145Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.145Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.145Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.145Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.145Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.145Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.145Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.222ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.145Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.145Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.634Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.644Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.644Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.644Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.644Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.277ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.644Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:03.644Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.140Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.140Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.140Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.437ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.140Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.635Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.635Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.635Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.635Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.635Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.635Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.635Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.635Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.635Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.635Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.635Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.635Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.234ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.635Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:04.635Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.141Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.141Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.141Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.399ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.141Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.645Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.645Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.645Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.645Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.645Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.645Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.645Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.645Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.645Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.645Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.645Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.646Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.397ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.646Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:05.646Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.140Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.141Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.141Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.141Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.391ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.141Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.646Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.646Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.646Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.647Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.647Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.647Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.496ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:06.647Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.141Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.141Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.141Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.368ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.141Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.646Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.646Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.646Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.646Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.646Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.646Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.646Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.646Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.646Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.646Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.646Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.646Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.291ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.646Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:07.646Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.141Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.142Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.142Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.142Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.419ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.142Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.647Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.647Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.647Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.419ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:08.647Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.142Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.142Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.142Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 1.399ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.142Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.647Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.647Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.647Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.308ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:09.647Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.142Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.142Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.152Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.152Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.152Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.152Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.266ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.152Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.152Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.647Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.647Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.647Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.261ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.647Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:10.647Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.152Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.153Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.153Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.153Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.153Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.153Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.153Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.153Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.153Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.153Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.153Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.153Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.441ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.153Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.153Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.648Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.648Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.648Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.648Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.648Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.648Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.648Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.648Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.648Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.648Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.648Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.648Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.257ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.648Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:11.648Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.144Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.144Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.154Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.154Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.271ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.154Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.649Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.649Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.649Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.649Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.649Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.650Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.650Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.650Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.650Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.650Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.650Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.650Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.302ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.650Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:12.650Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.243ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_debug_reset
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.215ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.255ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.154Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.272ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.278ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.294ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.215ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.148ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.155Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.164Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.164Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.269ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.221ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.165Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.174Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command recover executed for 30111 milliseconds with result -21
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.174Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Failed while performing recovery.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.174Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_readback_status
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.335ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.175Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][HighLevel][] probe_uninit
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][HighLevel][] internal_probe_uninit
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.392ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.176Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.307ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.368ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.177Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.319ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.351ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.178Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.371ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.313ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.179Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.229ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.180Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.342ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_read_device_version
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_readback_status
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.271ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.181Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.322ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.254ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.182Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.264ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.183Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.359ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.343ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.395ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.184Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.368ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.185Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.359ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.355ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Access protection is enabled, can't read device version.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.186Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.018ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command recover executed for 30111 milliseconds with result -21
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] close
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.036ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] close
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] disconnect_from_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_disconnect_from_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_device
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.187Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.295ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0xF0000040
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.300ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] unpower_debug_and_system_regions
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.188Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.243ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000040
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.417ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.022ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.189Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Close()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.206Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.206Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Segger Backend closed.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.206Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.206Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] nRF family DLL closed
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.209Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.210Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command close executed for 34 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.210Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.210Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] terminate
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.210Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.210Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.216Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.216Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command close executed for 34 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.216Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.216Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.216Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.216Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Executed 8 commands for 30700 milliseconds
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.227Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.227Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.227Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.227Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.227Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.227Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Tried to wait on already ended process: wait error: No child processes
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.227Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.227Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Child process terminated with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.320Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.320Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Executed 8 commands for 30701 milliseconds
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.320Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.320Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] terminate
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] uninitialize
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] Unable to recover at retry (this is not necessarily an error): 0, exception message: RECOVER_FAILED
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][HighLevel][] probe_init
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] User set clock_speed == 0, setting default clock speed to default value 2000.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.322Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] initialize
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.322Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.323Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.323Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.323Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.327Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.327Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] open
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.327Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.327Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] start
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.332Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.334Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.334Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command open executed for 2 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.334Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.334Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Logger sink registered in Segger backend logger
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Logger sink registered in JLink logger
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][] open
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][] just_check_family
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] open_dll
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] No J-Link DLL path was provided. Attempting to auto detect.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] dll_version
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command open executed for 1 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][] connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_enum_emu_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.342Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_get_num_emus
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.694Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.695Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_connect_to_emu_with_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.876Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.876Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_connect_to_emu_without_snr
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.876Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.876Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Segger logging enabled.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.896Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.896Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Firmware: J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Nov  7 2022 16:22:01
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.896Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.896Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Firmware: J-Link OB-nRF5340-NordicSemi compiled Nov  7 2022 16:22:01
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.904Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.904Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 569 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.904Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.904Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] read_device_family
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.904Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.904Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command read_device_family executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.904Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.904Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] select_family
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command select_family executed for 1 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] readDeviceInfo
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] read_device_info
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Hardware: V1.00
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] S/N: 1050385806
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] OEM: SEGGER
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Feature(s): RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] USB speed mode: Full speed (12 MBit/s)
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] TELNET listener socket opened on port 19021
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] WEBSRV WEBSRV_Init(): Starting webserver thread(s)
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] WEBSRV Webserver running on local port 19080
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 16.374ms returns "O.K."  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_ExecCommand("SetRestartOnClose = 0", ...).   
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.003ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_ExecCommand("DisableFlashDL", ...).   
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.002ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_ExecCommand("ExcludeFlashCacheRange 0x0-0xFFFFFFFF", ...).   
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.002ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_SetHookUnsecureDialog(...)
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.009ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_TIF_Select(JLINKARM_TIF_SWD)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.512ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.906Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_GetSpeedInfo()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] 128000000 Hz / n, n >= 64
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.009ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Connected emulator supports SWD speeds up to 2000kHz
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_SetSpeed(2000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.033ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_GetSpeed()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.005ms returns 2000  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] SWD clock set to 2000kHz
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_GetSN()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.005ms returns 1050385806  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_debug_port_idr
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] coresight_configure
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_GetHWStatus(...)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.085ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_Configure()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.316ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.188ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x2BA01477
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.181ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.005ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command connect_to_emu_with_snr executed for 569 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRFXX][] read_device_family
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.005ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_debug_port_idr
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.181ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x00)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x2BA01477
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.260ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.006ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command read_device_family executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.907Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] set_core_data
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Set core data:
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   Device ID: nRF52
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   Expected core: 234881279
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   Existing Expected core: 4294967295
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   Coprocessor: APPLICATION
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   AHB AP index: 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][]   Core base address: 4294967295
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---set_coresight_ahb_ap_index
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_ExecCommand("CORESIGHT_SetIndexAHBAPToUse = 0", ...).   
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.002ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_ExecCommand("device = nRF52", ...).   
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Device "NRF52" selected.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Device "NRF52" selected.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 1.496ms returns 0x00  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command select_family executed for 1 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] read_device_info
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.006ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_read_device_version
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_readback_status
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.908Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command read_device_info executed for 2 milliseconds with result -90
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Failed reading device info.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] WARN - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Warning: Could not read device info because the device is locked.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] WARN - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Warning: No actions other than recover will be available.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] WARN - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Warning: Try recovering the device if you want to unlock it.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][HighLevel][] recover
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] recover
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.909Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] recover
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.916Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.278ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0xF0000040
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.278ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.273ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.205ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.203ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.229ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.196ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.171ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.250ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.231ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.224ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.197ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Access protection is enabled, can't read device version.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.005ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command read_device_info executed for 2 milliseconds with result -90
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] recover
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.008ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_recover
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.273ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0xF0000040
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.277ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.228ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.207ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.258ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.280ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.233ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.181ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.174ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:13.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.412Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.412Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.412Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.412Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.412Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.412Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.412Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.412Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.412Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.412Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.412Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.412Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.325ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.412Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.412Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.917Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.431ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:14.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.412Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.412Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.412Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.412Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.412Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.412Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.412Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.412Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.422Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.422Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.422Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.422Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.214ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.422Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.422Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.304ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:15.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.423Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.423Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.423Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.423Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.423Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.423Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.423Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.423Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.423Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.423Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.423Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.423Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.295ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.423Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.423Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.296ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:16.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.424Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.424Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.424Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.284ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.424Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.918Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.918Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.322ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:17.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.424Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.424Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.424Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.387ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.424Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.261ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.919Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:18.919Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.425Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.425Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.425Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.325ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.425Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.920Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.920Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.920Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.920Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.920Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.920Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.920Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.920Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.920Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.920Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.920Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.920Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.287ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.920Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:19.920Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.425Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.425Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.425Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.239ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.425Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.920Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.920Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.920Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.920Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.920Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.920Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.920Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.921Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.921Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.921Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.269ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:20.921Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.426Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.426Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.426Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.433ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.426Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.921Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.921Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.921Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.265ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:21.921Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.426Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.426Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.426Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.345ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.426Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.426Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.921Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.921Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.921Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.276ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.921Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:22.921Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.424Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.425Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.425Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.425Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.357ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.425Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.425Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.304ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_debug_reset
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.216ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.182ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.245ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.208ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.248ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.263ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.211ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.929Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.314ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.315ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.939Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_readback_status
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.320ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.281ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.285ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.276ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.949Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.362ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.301ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.297ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.333ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.269ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.283ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.313ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:23.950Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.454Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.454Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.454Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.454Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.454Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.454Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.454Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.454Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.454Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.454Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.454Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.454Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.305ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.454Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.454Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.959Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.959Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.959Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.290ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:24.959Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.453Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.453Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.453Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.453Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.453Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.453Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.453Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.453Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.453Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.453Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.453Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.453Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.292ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.454Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.454Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.950Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.951Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.951Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.951Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.951Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.951Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.295ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.951Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:25.951Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.455Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.455Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.455Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.455Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.455Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.455Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.455Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.455Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.455Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.455Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.455Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.455Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.364ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.455Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.455Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.954Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.954Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.954Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.954Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.954Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.954Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.954Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.954Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.954Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.954Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.954Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.954Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.310ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.954Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:26.954Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.461Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.461Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.461Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.402ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.461Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.956Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.956Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.956Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.215ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:27.956Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.461Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.461Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.461Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.278ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.461Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.957Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.957Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.957Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.957Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.957Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.957Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.957Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.957Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.957Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.265ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.957Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:28.957Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.461Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.462Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.462Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.462Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.208ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.462Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.956Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.956Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.957Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.957Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.957Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.265ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.957Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:29.957Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.462Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.462Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.462Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.317ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.462Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.462Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.958Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.958Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.958Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.958Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.958Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.958Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.958Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.958Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.958Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.958Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.958Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.958Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.222ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.958Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:30.958Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.463Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.463Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.463Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.463Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.463Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.463Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.463Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.463Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.463Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.463Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.463Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.463Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.315ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.463Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.463Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.959Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.959Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.959Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.309ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.959Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:31.959Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.456Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.456Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.456Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.456Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.456Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.456Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.456Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.456Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.456Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.456Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.456Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.456Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.303ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.456Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.456Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.961Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.961Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.961Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.961Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.961Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.962Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.962Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.962Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.215ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:32.962Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.457Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.457Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.457Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.457Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.457Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.457Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.457Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.457Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.457Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.457Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.457Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.457Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.321ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.457Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.457Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.961Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.302ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_debug_reset
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.962Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.170ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.249ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.963Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.236ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.235ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.964Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.244ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.148ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.174ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.965Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.966Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.344ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.972Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.973Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.258ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.973Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.973Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_readback_status
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.382ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.982Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.434ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.422ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.983Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.285ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.314ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.984Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.985Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.985Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.985Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.985Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.985Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.985Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.985Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.300ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.985Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.985Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.985Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.985Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.656ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.346ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.398ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.341ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.994Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.355ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:33.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.487Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.487Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.487Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.487Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.487Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.487Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.487Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.487Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.487Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.487Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.487Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.487Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.320ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.487Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.487Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.194ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:34.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.487Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.488Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.488Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.488Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.415ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.488Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.254ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:35.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.488Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.488Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.488Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.437ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.488Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.488Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.268ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:36.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.492Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.492Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.492Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.492Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.492Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.492Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.492Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.492Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.492Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.492Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.492Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.492Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.270ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.492Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.492Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.987Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.988Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.988Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.988Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.988Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.988Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.988Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.988Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.988Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.988Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.988Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.988Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.250ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.988Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:37.988Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.495Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.495Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.495Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.495Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.495Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.495Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.495Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.495Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.495Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.495Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.495Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.495Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.352ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.495Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.495Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.991Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.991Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.991Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.343ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:38.991Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.496Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.496Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.496Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.496Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.496Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.496Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.496Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.496Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.496Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.496Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.496Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.496Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.344ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.496Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.496Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.360ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:39.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.496Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.496Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.496Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.496Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.497Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.497Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.497Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.497Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.497Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.497Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.497Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.497Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.350ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.497Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.497Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.991Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.991Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.349ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:40.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.497Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.497Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.497Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.497Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.497Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.497Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.497Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.497Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.497Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.497Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.497Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.497Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.342ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.497Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.497Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.444ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.992Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:41.992Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.498Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.498Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.498Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.498Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.498Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.498Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.498Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.498Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.498Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.498Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.498Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.498Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.264ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.498Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.498Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.238ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.993Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:42.993Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.499Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.499Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.499Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.499Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.499Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.499Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.499Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.499Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.500Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.500Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.500Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.500Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.293ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.500Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.500Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x02)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000001
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.299ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_debug_reset
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.215ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.267ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.264ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.249ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.284ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.240ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000001)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.219ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:43.995Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x00, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.230ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(AP reg 0x01, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.015Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.016Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.193ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.016Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.016Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.022Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.022Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command recover executed for 30113 milliseconds with result -21
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.022Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.022Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] Failed while performing recovery.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.022Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.022Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][HighLevel][] probe_uninit
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.022Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.022Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][HighLevel][] internal_probe_uninit
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.022Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_readback_status
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.297ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.025Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.388ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.404ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.315ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.026Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.378ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.350ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.367ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.027Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.359ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.301ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.280ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_read_device_version
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_readback_status
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Just_is_ctrl_ap_available
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.028Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 15
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x010000F0)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.256ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.358ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.310ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.029Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.310ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x02880000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.283ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 1, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x01000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.232ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.030Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.306ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.314ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.284ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_access_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(AP reg 0x03)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000000
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.031Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.327ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] Log message from highlevel dll has level info, is supposed to be a progress document, but a progress callback is not provided. See comment in /home/vsts/agents/2.211.1/vcpkg/buildtrees/nrf-device-lib/src/0.12.8-1-2cd3acb624.clean/src/jlink/jlink_plugin.cpp about broken highleveldll API design.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] ERROR - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] Access protection is enabled, can't read device version.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.020ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command recover executed for 30113 milliseconds with result -21
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] close
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_IsOpen()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.016ms returns 0x01  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Lock()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] close
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] disconnect_from_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_disconnect_from_emu
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] is_connected_to_device
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Select AP 255, DP Bank 0, AP Bank 255
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.212ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.032Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0xF0000040
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.210ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] unpower_debug_and_system_regions
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_write_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01, 0x00000000)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.168ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.033Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_is_debug_region_powered
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_read_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] ---just_select_debug_port_register
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_CORESIGHT_ReadAPDPReg(DP reg 0x01)  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] Value=0x00000040
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.277ms returns 0  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_HasError()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] - 0.020ms  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.036Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][JLink][] JLINK_Close()  
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.056Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.056Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][SeggerBackend][] Segger Backend closed.
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.056Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.056Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][nRF52][] nRF family DLL closed
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.059Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.059Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command close executed for 36 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.059Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.059Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] terminate
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.059Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.059Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.066Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.066Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command close executed for 36 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.066Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.066Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Command terminate executed for 0 milliseconds with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.066Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.066Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Worker][] Executed 8 commands for 30722 milliseconds
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Child process terminated with result 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.077Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Worker process exited with code: 0
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.166Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.166Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] Executed 8 commands for 30723 milliseconds
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.166Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.166Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][Client][] terminate
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.168Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] No SEGGER instance provided
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.168Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] [NRFJPROG][DebugProbe][] uninitialize
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.168Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - [jlink] Unable to recover at retry (this is not necessarily an error): 1, exception message: RECOVER_FAILED
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.170Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - Task 1677144582495104 is already completed
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.170Z] [nrfutil-device] DEBUG - ~async_task id: 1677144582495104
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.170Z] [nrfutil-device] INFO - close plugin dll at path: /home/suso/.nrfutil/lib/nrfutil-device/nrfdl-jlink-plugin.nrfdl
    [2023-02-23T09:30:44.351Z] [nrfutil-device] TRACE - deregistering event source from poller

    It looks like the device cannot be recovered because Access Protection is active during the recovery process?

    Let me know if you have any tips to fix this issue. It is currently blocking me to deliver a prototype to a client.



  • Thank you!

    I'll forward the logs to our developers and get back to you with any information from them.


  • Hello Jesus

    I have one question for you. How can i show this log registers in my board? What is the correct command?

    I try to use:

    -- nrfutil device --log-output=file 

    -- nrfutil device --log-level trace --log-output=file recover --serial-number 1050301640 

    in the termninal but it doesn't work, it doesn't show me anything.

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