SDHC SPI Send Command


I have a custom board featuring nRF5340. I placed a microSD card reader in my board connected to SPI. I followed the fatfs zephyr example, but I'm struggling in mounting the disk.

I can correctly see the block count, sector size and capacity of the microSD, but as soon as I try to run fs_mount(&mp), the board resets.

When debugging, I saw that the board resets as it tries to run the function sdhc_spi_send_cmd

I don't know where the problem can be, since as I said I can correctly see the capacity of the card (I'm using a Premium microSDHC 32gb card by Verbatim )

I already tried to format the card both with Windows10 and the program SDCardFormatter, but nothing changed.

My devicetree for the spi/sd device is 

&spi1 {
	compatible = "nordic,nrf-spim";
	status = "okay";
	cs-gpios = < &gpio0 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW >;
	sck-pin = < 8 >;
	mosi-pin = < 9 >;
	miso-pin = < 10 >;
	sdhc0: sdhc@0 {
		compatible = "zephyr,sdhc-spi-slot";
		reg = <0>;
		status = "okay";
		label = "SDHC0";
		mmc {
			compatible = "zephyr,sdmmc-disk";
			status = "okay";
		spi-max-frequency = <16000000>;

And my connector is the following

  • I call the following function in my main 

    void mount_disk(){
    	do {
    		static const char *disk_pdrv = "SD";
    		uint64_t memory_size_mb;
    		uint32_t block_count;
    		uint32_t block_size;
    		if (disk_access_init(disk_pdrv) != 0) {
    			printk("Storage init ERROR %d!\n",disk_access_init(disk_pdrv));
    		if (disk_access_ioctl(disk_pdrv,
    				DISK_IOCTL_GET_SECTOR_COUNT, &block_count)) {
    			printk("Unable to get sector count");
    		printk("Block count %u", block_count);
    		if (disk_access_ioctl(disk_pdrv,
    				DISK_IOCTL_GET_SECTOR_SIZE, &block_size)) {
    			printk("Unable to get sector size");
    		printk("Sector size %u\n", block_size);
    		memory_size_mb = (uint64_t)block_count * block_size;
    		printk("Memory Size(MB) %u\n", (uint32_t)(memory_size_mb >> 20));
    	} while (0);
    	mp.mnt_point = disk_mount_pt;
    	int res = fs_mount(&mp);
    	if (res == FR_OK) {
    		printk("Disk mounted.\n");
    	else {
    		printk("Error mounting disk.\n");

    The first if(disk_access_init..) returns -22.

    If I jump in disk_access_init, I then enter in disk_access_get_di, and I can see that it returns 0

    This fails to let me enter in the following if, thus returning -22.

    I am quite sure that it is a configuration problem of the SPI device, just because in my first tests I could at least print the Memory Size. Now I encounter this problem for every spi-max-freq that I set (1Mhz, 4Mhz, 8Mhz, 16Mhz)

    I'm planning to attach some logic analyzer probes asap, but I'm expecting to see no data being exchanged because of above.

    I tried to get rid of the mmc definition in the dts, but that didn't work.

    About the proj.conf, here there are the related config


    Is there anything that I'm missing? Is there anything that can create conflict?

  • Hi

    Error message -22 means that there is an invalid argument in that function. The disk_access_init() only input parameter should be the Disk name as a const char, so are you sure that is the function returning this error?

    Best regards,


  • As you can see from the snippet above, i directly print the return value of disk_access_init.

    If I keep in the DTS the following part

    		mmc {
    			compatible = "zephyr,sdmmc-disk";
    			status = "okay";

    Then it returns ENOTSUP (-134)

    I tried different combinations of possible configurations based on what I can find online, but it seems to be something very unclear.

    At the moment it seems that it's not a problem of the SD itself, neither of the SPI bus, but an hardware configuration that somehow is not working.

    By receiving -22 (EINOTVAL), I think that I miss the link between the const char disk name, and the device registered in the dts/prj.conf

  • I was debugging where the ENOTSUP -134 error is originating, and I can see that it comes from

    ret = sdhc_request(card->sdhc, &cmd, NULL);  (sd.c)
    Apparently, the cmd structure will contain information about the response of the SD card. In my case, the field response of the structure sdhc_command cmd is 0, hence it returns -134.
    At this point I need to check if I see something from the logic analyzer when the sdhc_request is sent. I'll post updates soon
  • Here you have a scope trace of the SPI pins (SD card not placed) when I call sdhc_request

    I know that MISO is stale because there is no SD (I'll try get a scope trace also with the SD in), but how does the rest look?
