spi_nor device id 00 00 00 does not match config c2 28 17

I'm trying to make work an nrf9160dk which use bme280 (and possibly other sensors) and mx25r64 (integrated in the nrf). I use than the golioth platform to make dfu through lte-m.

Using ncs 2.2.0 I've to made some changes in glolioth sdk and zephyr too due to malformed include. But now the build goes fine.

The issue is that when I flash I get this error:

Ignore the mqtt. I use mcuboot.

I attached the relevant files. In the overlay there's a custom mx25r64 configuration but it doesn't work, so I'm currently using the one provided by nrf dtsi.

  • Hi,

    Thank you for contacting DevZone at NordicSemi.

    I can see that you have attached image snapshots of your configurations and overlays.

    I would like to get your minimal project in zip file (including proj.conf, overlays, and main.c etc).

    This way I should be able to reproduce the error you are facing and start digging into it.

    Please click on "Insert"-->"Image/video/file" and then on the "upload" button under the File/URL bar (as shown here)

    This will allow you to browse and select the file. Please attach only a single (zip) file including all project.



  • Hi,

    Thank you for contacting DevZone at NordicSemi.

    I can see that you have attached image snapshots of your configurations and overlays.

    I would like to get your minimal project in zip file (including proj.conf, overlays, and main.c etc).

    This way I should be able to reproduce the error you are facing and start digging into it.

    Please click on "Insert"-->"Image/video/file" and then on the "upload" button under the File/URL bar (as shown here)

    This will allow you to browse and select the file. Please attach only a single (zip) file including all project.


