We are currently evaluating the nrf5340 using the "nrf5340 Audio" development board. Part of the evaluation is to verify if the device can handle 3 TX mono streams in BIS mode. We started with the "nrf5340_audio" application (v 2.2.0). As a first step for this we set the following parameters
This resulted in encountering the following build assert failure from the "le_audio_bis_gateway.c" file.
"A maximum of two audio streams are currently supported");
I checked the forum posts for anything related to this and found one (devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../408505) where it is stated that the audio controller can support upto 4 BIS streams.
If the system is capable of hanling 4 BIS streams, we would like to understand why the restriction to 2 streams is enforced in this application. Are there any system/hardware limitations to supporting more than 2 BIS streams or is this just specific to just the nrf5340_audio application?
Thanks you.