Sample ipc_service failed in NCS v2.3.0

 Hello !

I have compiled sampel ncs/v2.3.0/nrf/samples/ipc/ipc_service without any overlays west build -p --board nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp and west flash --recover it.

Looks like it doesn't work in new release

Network core traces

*** Booting Zephyr OS build v3.2.99-ncs2 ***
IPC-service nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpunet demo started
Message length 100, interval 30  <--------------------------------------- I have added this line
[00:00:00.522,338] <inf> sync_rtc: Updated timestamp to synchronized RTC by 8391 ticks (256072us)
Δpkt: 0 (100 B/pkt) | throughput: 0 bit/s
Δpkt: 0 (100 B/pkt) | throughput: 0 bit/s
Δpkt: 0 (100 B/pkt) | throughput: 0 bit/s
Δpkt: 0 (100 B/pkt) | throughput: 0 bit/s

App core , only short line

*** Booting Zephyr

Looks like some problem. I try to use this sample in own application and someting weired there as well.



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