Custom Bluetooth Mesh service

Hi, we are currently in the development of a custom Bluetooth Mesh Service. We used the BluetoothMesh Chat example as reference. It is basically a stripped down version of it. Everything compiles and the Service appears in the nRF Mesh app. All characteristics are shown and we can press the provision button with no OOB. After that de device crashes. Following output is generated on the RTT Terminal.

*** Booting Zephyr OS build v3.1.99-ncs1-rc1  ***
I: 8 Sectors of 4096 bytes
I: alloc wra: 0, f88
I: data wra: 0, ac
I: HW Platform: Nordic Semiconductor (0x0002)
I: HW Variant: nRF53x (0x0003)
I: Firmware: Standard Bluetooth controller (0x00) Version 179.9776 Build 1257489805
I: No ID address. App must call settings_load()
Bluetooth initialized
I: Identity: F2:49:32:DF:FD:48 (random)
I: HCI: version 5.3 (0x0c) revision 0x219e, manufacturer 0x0059
I: LMP: version 5.3 (0x0c) subver 0x219e
I: Device UUID: 00000000-0000-0080-384b-7e9ff727d3e7
Mesh initialized
W: Ignoring data for unknown channel ID 0x003a
I: Primary Element: 0x000a
D: net_idx 0x0000 flags 0x00 iv_index 0x0000
*** Booting Zephyr OS build v3.1.99-ncs1-rc1  ***
I: 8 Sectors of 4096 bytes
I: alloc wra: 0, f78
I: data wra: 0, cc
I: HW Platform: Nordic Semiconductor (0x0002)
I: HW Variant: nRF53x (0x0003)
I: Firmware: Standard Bluetooth controller (0x00) Version 179.9776 Build 1257489805
I: No ID address. App must call settings_load()

We are not sure how to progress from here, because the settings_load() function gets called. I'll append a zip file of the project. We are using Nrf Connect 2.3 SDK and toolchain in combination with a thingy53. I hope those informations are sufficient to understand my issue.

Best regards Maikel

  • Hi,

    Which version of nRF Connect SDK are you using? The latest release is version 2.3.0.

    When programming the thingy53, are you using the programmer interface (J-Link) or programming it using DFU, and if you program it using a programmer are you doing a full flash erase before (or as part of) the programming? Existing data from old (previous) firmware may cause the mesh stack to fault, since what is stored in flash does not match the current application composition.


  • I am using 2.3.0 and I am using a J-Link debugger. I am using full flash erase. The thing that confuses me, is the settings_load() error. No ID address. App must call settings_load(). A other user see -> "Forum entry" had the issue with with a older SDK version, but this doesn' seem to be the case here... I know its quite broad, but do you have other suggestions?

    Best regard Maikel

  • Status update to Bluetooth Mesh. I managed to get the Provisioning running. I used the Bluetooth mesh light_switch example and added my custom model to it. My next problem is now that my characteristics aren't displayed in the Nordic Bluetooth Mesh App. I might still be missing out something. Is it possible to provision a custom Service to the Bluetooth app? I am using a custom company id as well as custom service models. I'll append the source code and the provisoner image as reference. Help would be highly appreciated.

    Best regards Maikel

  • Status update to Bluetooth Mesh. I managed to get the Provisioning running. I used the Bluetooth mesh light_switch example and added my custom model to it. My next problem is now that my characteristics aren't displayed in the Nordic Bluetooth Mesh App. I might still be missing out something. Is it possible to provision a custom Service to the Bluetooth app? I am using a custom company id as well as custom service models. I'll append the source code and the provisoner image as reference. Help would be highly appreciated.

    Best regards Maikel

  • Hi,

    I am happy to hear that you solved the initial issue. If you think others may benefit from what you did, then please write a short description of what you did to make it work.

    Regarding the nRF Mesh app question, the nRF Mesh app should at least show custom models (although not all interaction is possible.) For details on that, or further questions, please ask a new question since it is far from the original question in this thread.

