Using NRF-7002 wifi companion chip with non-Nordic SoC

  • Describe the issue(Question in my case):

    • I recently acquired an NRF-7002DK from Digikey, and I have been pleased messing around with the Zephyr SDK so far. I like the capabilities of the SDK and the hardware that the NRF-7002 brings to the table. 
    • I noticed that the NRF-7002 is being interacted with on the development kit via an NRF-5430 host SoC, and I began to read the documentation about how the two interact.
    • I know other host controllers are built using Nordic SoCs that are equally capable of performing as a host as the NRF5430, if not more; they just do not come packaged with the Zephyr SDK from their respective manufacturers, such as the Particle B4xx series(
    • My question: If I wanted to implement just the NRF-7002 wifi companion IC in one of my circuits, would I be able to use this companion IC without a Nordic chip as a host and without the Zephyr SDK?

    For example, would you implement a circuit with an ESP32 that can communicate directly with the NRF-7002 via a chip that can bridge the QSPI gap such as this one using libraries such as this one? Or even a Particle series chip such as the B402 SoM without needing a QSPI bridge, considering an underlying Nordic SoC already exists?

    Or is the best avenue to implement another host SoC like the NRF-5430? I have existing circuits to which I would like to add the NRF-7002 to. However, I am evaluating our implementation options as far as adding it to our system is concerned.



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