Configuring Azure IoT Hub with Asset Tracker V2 nrf9160 DK

I'm trying to get the example application Asset Tracker V2 communicating with an Azure IoT Hub. I'm following the directions on the following pages:

Cloud wrapper API — nRF Connect SDK 2.3.99 documentation (

Azure IoT Hub — nRF Connect SDK 2.3.99 documentation (

In Kconfig I changed Asset Tracker v2 -> Application cloud codec -> Application cloud codec backend, from Enable nRF Cloud codec backend to Enable Azure IoT Hub codec backend.

I've added my CA cert, Client cert, and Private key in the CERTIFICATE MANAGER of LTE Link Monitor.

There is a note about changing CONFIG_MQTT_HELPER_SEC_TAG but I can not find that in Kconfig. Is that step important?

Are there other Kconfig changes that I'm missing?
