Power consumption of mesh_chat after mesh_suspend


I am using mesh_chat example in ncs v2.2.0

After initializing bt and mesh, i used the self-provisioning part from self_provisioner example to provision itself.

So i didn't even use  "bt_mesh_prov_enable" in it.

And after 5 seconds of K_sleep i use the bt_mesh_suspend().

After suspending mesh the board consumes about 40-45uA and also an 1 sec interval task is running even after that

What could it be running possibly? and how to stop that.?

Each of the peak has 3 individual peak's in it with approx. 7mA

  • Hi Vignesh, 

    The three peaks you showed looked like the device was sending advertising packets (advertising usually done with 3 packets on 3 channels) . What's the interval between the peaks in this trace ? 

    I would suggest to try turn off GATT Proxy and PB GATT for testing: 


    From what I can see inside 
    bt_mesh_suspend() it doesn't seem GATT proxy advertising is stopped. 
  • Hi Vignesh, 

    The three peaks you showed looked like the device was sending advertising packets (advertising usually done with 3 packets on 3 channels) . What's the interval between the peaks in this trace ? 

    I would suggest to try turn off GATT Proxy and PB GATT for testing: 


    From what I can see inside 
    bt_mesh_suspend() it doesn't seem GATT proxy advertising is stopped. 