Beware that this post is related to an SDK in maintenance mode
More Info: Consider nRF Connect SDK for new designs

Read multiple ADC samples on single channel


I'm trying to read the battery voltage of a custom board from the VDDHDIV5  channel. I'm using FreeRTOS in my project. I would like to read trigger the ADC to read 5 samples(non-blocking) once every hour. I tried the below pseudo code to trigger the read but I noticed that only one reading is present in the buffer.

nrf_saadc_value_t raw_value[5] = {0};

void saadc_handler(nrf_drv_saadc_evt_t const * p_event)
    if(p_event->type == NRF_DRV_SAADC_EVT_DONE)
        raw_val = *(p_event->data.done.p_buffer);
        test = (raw_val*10/1024);
        //Notify saadc_thread


void saadc_init()
    uint32_t err_code;

    //SAADC peripheral configuration
    nrf_drv_saadc_config_t m_saadc_config = 
        .interrupt_priority = APP_IRQ_PRIORITY_LOW,
        .low_power_mode = false,
        .oversample = NRF_SAADC_OVERSAMPLE_DISABLED,
        .resolution = NRF_SAADC_RESOLUTION_10BIT

    // Channel configuration
    //Internal reference is 0.6V
    nrf_saadc_channel_config_t m_channel_config = NRF_DRV_SAADC_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_CONFIG_SE(NRF_SAADC_INPUT_VDDHDIV5);
    m_channel_config.acq_time = NRF_SAADC_ACQTIME_10US;
    m_channel_config.gain = NRF_SAADC_GAIN1_6;

    err_code = nrf_drv_saadc_init(&m_saadc_config, saadc_handler);

    err_code = nrf_drv_saadc_channel_init(0, &m_channel_config);

void saadc_sample()
    nrf_drv_saadc_buffer_convert(raw_value, 5);
    for(uint8_t i=0; i<5; ++i)

static void saadc_thread(void * arg)
    // Call saadc_sample and wait for a notification. And then delay for 1 hour

I tried two more things and noticed different output

  • The SAADC example in the SDK. The code was running fine and the ADC values were correct.
  • Call saadc_sample in the SAADC handler on NRF_DRV_SAADC_EVT_DONE. The ADC values were correct but this is not a desirable situation as I don't need the SAADC to constantly sample
  • Change the size of raw_value to 1. The ADC value was wrong. I tried this with and without oversampling.

MCU - nRF52833-QDAAA0

SDK - nRF5 SDK 17.1.0

With FreeRTOS

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