Can't get USB CDC ACM sample code built on dev board

I'm using an nRF52840DK dev board and am trying to build the Zephyr USB CDC ACM examples. There are a couple (console, HID, composite). I've built all of them, and none of them actually get the CDC ACM interface up and running. There's no interactivity in the console. 

The USB driver gets enabled and I can confirm on my Linux machine that the enumeration worked successfully.

However, when I connect to ttyACM2, it never shows that it got "Connected". 

Using Putty on my Windows machine, I get a bit more info shown, which helps narrow down why the CDC ACM interface isn't working:

It appears the function cdc_acm_do_cb in cdc_acm.c is never called with the parameter USB_DC_CONFIGURED. 

Why would this be the case with the dev board and sample code? 

I'm using SDK v2.2.0 which uses Zephyr V3.2. 



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