We're working on a board design that is based off the Thingy:91 design, and I noticed that the Thingy:91 uses a separate small antenna for Bluetooth.
The main antenna on the board, an Ignion TRIO NN03-310, supports LTE, GNSS, and Bluetooth, but it looks like it's only actually being used for LTE and GNSS, while Bluetooth is using the separate antenna. Is there a reason that it uses a separate antenna for Bluetooth, instead of using the Ignion TRIO's Bluetooth capabilities?
Just trying to determine if we can use the Ignion TRIO for all three on our board, or if we need a separate Bluetooth antenna as well.
Also, could you clarify if the Thingy:91 includes an NFC antenna? It's unclear, because the documentation mentions "NFC port and antenna", but I don't actually see an NFC antenna in images/schematics of the device. If an NFC antenna must be included separately, what components does it need in terms of a matching circuit?