Getting Non-readable/Junk data when requested for Ephemeris.


I am trying to use my own cloud between my IoT device and nRF Cloud. I signed up for PRO plan and generated Service token. nRF Cloud helped me with JSON Web token too, for the first time. 

Now the story is, I tried using the GetAssistanceData API as per the process mentioned in nRF Cloud API documentation.

I have Postman Version 10.12.1.

I have a thingy 91 with Jio (India) SIM on it, and I have noted down all the parameter datas I am supposed to send in the request like eci, tac, mnc, mcc etc.

Below are the details I used.

I also used GetFileSize API to know the size of the available data and then used the same in the range header.

But I have received the following response. I have no idea about the ephemeris data I have received including how it is supposed to look, but I assume, we should feed this data to the modem to have a faster TTFF.

Please note, Jio (Network provider in India) allows connectivity to only their cloud and so we are doing multi-hop communication like this. nRF device->Jio Cloud->Our Cloud->nRF Cloud and then the same in reverse too.

Please, it would be great if someone can help me with this on how to read it, and then how to store it to the modem. 

Thanks a ton in advance.

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