I am using the nrf52833, zephyr version 3.199, sdk 0.14.1. In our board we didn't connect the 32khz oscillator, so I configure the board with:
I am using the nrf52833, zephyr version 3.199, sdk 0.14.1. In our board we didn't connect the 32khz oscillator, so I configure the board with:
Hi Ilan,
The clock source should not be configured by writing to the register directly. The clock controller would not know that you still need HFXO, and when everything else that needs HFXO no longer needs it, the clock controller will switch back to HFINT.
Would the issue still happen if you request the clock in this way, referring the ESB sample?
Hi Hieu,
Thank you very much, I check with the clock initialization you sent me, and you are correct, if I use it I can set CONFIG_CLOCK_CONTROL_NRF_K32SRC_RC=y, and the 32Mhz oscillator is running.
I will use your clock initialization code and stay with CONFIG_CLOCK_CONTROL_NRF_K32SRC_SYNTH so the 32K clock will be sync to the 32M oscillator and be more accurate.
Great. Please just remember that if you use the synthesized source for LFCLK, then it's likely that when the system goes into sleep, HFCLK will still need to run even though it could be turned off. That will be quite the influence on the power consumption in sleep mode.
Please feel free to close this question when you are done. Or I can close it sometime in the future if you don't have any other questions.