Intellisense in VS Code stops working after updating nRF Connect for VS Code to 2023.4.148 or 2023.4.179.
Downgrading the extension to 2023.2.56 and doing a pristine build it works again.
Intellisense in VS Code stops working after updating nRF Connect for VS Code to 2023.4.148 or 2023.4.179.
Downgrading the extension to 2023.2.56 and doing a pristine build it works again.
I seen there was a new update and noticed that this still was not working. I was trying to work with Nordic via a private ticket and got no help. So I started looking into it more and I was able to finally resolved this. I had another engineer that I work with try it and it resolved it on his end as well.
1) Change "configurationProvider": "nrf-connect" to "configurationProvider": "nordic-semiconductor.nrf-connect" in .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
2) Do a pristine build (CTRL+Shift+P > nRF Connect: Pristine Build)
{ "version": 4, "configurations": [ { "name": "NRF52840", "includePath": [ "${workspaceFolder}/src", "${workspaceFolder}/src/**" ], "cStandard": "c17", "cppStandard": "c++17", "intelliSenseMode": "windows-gcc-arm", "configurationProvider": "nordic-semiconductor.nrf-connect" } ] }
Thanks, I have also got this to work and maybe this was the thing that fixed it. I have the same setting in my c_cpp_properties.json file.
Besides doing a pristine build, I have also noticed that that the red squiggly lines does not disappear until I go into the nrf connect extension after starting VS Vode.
Thanks /Ruben
Thanks, I have also got this to work and maybe this was the thing that fixed it. I have the same setting in my c_cpp_properties.json file.
Besides doing a pristine build, I have also noticed that that the red squiggly lines does not disappear until I go into the nrf connect extension after starting VS Vode.
Thanks /Ruben