Making changes in "Server Setup" for "nRF52840 Dongle" in "nRF Connect for Desktop Bluetooth Low Energy" doesn't save changes to dongle.

The "nRF52840 Dongle" defaults to a max length of 20 in all of the "General Access" characteristics and I'm trying to change that to a higher number. I change it to 60 for each of the characteristics, save each characteristic and then apply the changes to the device. Reload the dongle and the values are back to 20. I tried creating a new service and once again, the new service not saved.

I'm trying to get the dongle to transmit and receive more then just 20 bytes at a time.

Any idea of how to do this?

Parents Reply
  • Hi, 

    From your log, I don't see any connect event. You should see something like this if the center or peripheral requests MTU update.  

    You should check if the MTU exchange has actually happened or not. In some of our examples where the peripheral is configured to automatically initiate MTU exchange, the Python script central will automatically give a MTU Exchange Response with the value in default_mtu.

    If the peripheral does not initiate, then the central has to.

    -Amanda H.
