Debugging nRF5340 Audio DK


I have successfully programmed the nRF5340 Audio DK as a gateway device using the Command Line Tools and by using the directives listed in the 'nRF5340 Audio' program documentation. However, I am now interested in doing debugging so I can monitor the behavior of this program. I have installed nRF Connect for VS Code extension pack which should allow for easy debugging (e.g. set breakpoints), so I was wondering if I can debug the nRF5340 Audio program through VS Code? I had initially tried flashing the nRF5340 Audio program using VS Code but that failed, so had to resort to using bash commands instead. Any guidance or direction is appreciated!

Best regards,


  • Hello Imran,

    I was wondering if I can debug the nRF5340 Audio program through VS Code

    Absolutely. That is very much possible. For an intro into our tools on debugging, see here.

    I had initially tried flashing the nRF5340 Audio program using VS Code but that failed, so had to resort to using bash commands instead.

    That is odd. In what way did it fail? Did you get any errors? What OS are you using?



  • Hello Elfving,

    Thanks for your reply!

    For the nRF5340 Audio program to work correctly, I think we need to program both the application and network cores. However, when using VS Code, I can only do a build configuration for the application core (please see image attachment).

    When I initially tried to just flash the application core, the board's RGB1 led turned RED which apparently indicates a fault in the application core (according to the nRF5340 Audio program documentation). 

    Interestingly, after flashing both the application and network cores using Command Line Tools first, I am now able to use VS Code to flash the application core successfully, and do debugging, so that is great! I should now be set to go. 

    Thank you so much for all your help!


  • Hello Elfving,

    Thanks for your reply!

    For the nRF5340 Audio program to work correctly, I think we need to program both the application and network cores. However, when using VS Code, I can only do a build configuration for the application core (please see image attachment).

    When I initially tried to just flash the application core, the board's RGB1 led turned RED which apparently indicates a fault in the application core (according to the nRF5340 Audio program documentation). 

    Interestingly, after flashing both the application and network cores using Command Line Tools first, I am now able to use VS Code to flash the application core successfully, and do debugging, so that is great! I should now be set to go. 

    Thank you so much for all your help!

