I would like to try to measure power consumption as whole in Thingy:91, including sensors
Would it be problematic to disconnect the battery from device, and put in VOUT, and Ground from PPK2?
I would like to try to measure power consumption as whole in Thingy:91, including sensors
Would it be problematic to disconnect the battery from device, and put in VOUT, and Ground from PPK2?
It could be possible. Have you tried to measure the current in our recommended way https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/topic/ug_thingy91/UG/thingy91/hw_description/hw_power_current_measurement.html?cp=15_0_2_10_1 ?
Here is a previous case about measuring current on Thingy:91 you can look at: (+) Current measurement for a Nordic Thingy 91 device - Nordic Q&A - Nordic DevZone - Nordic DevZone (nordicsemi.com).
Yes, i have tried recommended way, but there was no change in power consumption when i was trying out to disable Gas measurement from BME680, so that is why i would want to give a try to measure power consumption as whole from Thingy:91.
I think BME680 Gas measurement power consumption would be pretty significant, because it heats Gas sensor plate up to 400C
Or Is there other way to measure power usage from sensors using these pins?
How did you disable the BME689 sensor? BME689 sensor is enabled in boar file of Thingy:91. did you create a separate overlay file to make it disable?
This one https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/64664/current-measurement-for-a-nordic-thingy-91-device is for measuring the current of entire board.
I am not turning BME680 sensor completely off, i am fetching other values from it, like temperature, air pressure and humidity
I write these to the registers to turn heating and gas sampling off:
This is from BME680 datasheet
ADXL372 is however unused, so i might be interested to disable that via boardfile, how does that work?
Can I look at the zephyr.dts file from your build folder?
Yeah here it is, i have not really touched it at all, so i guess it is default for Thingy:91 2705.zephyr.dts
Yeah here it is, i have not really touched it at all, so i guess it is default for Thingy:91 2705.zephyr.dts
I meant the application you built on thingy:91. After building you will have the zephyr.dts file in the build folder that I would like to see if the ADXL372 sensor is disable or not; as you said ''ADXL372 is however unused, so I might be interested to disable that via boardfile, how does that work?''
That file is from /application/build/zephyr/zephyr.dts, is it not right zephyr.dts file then?