I would like to try to measure power consumption as whole in Thingy:91, including sensors
Would it be problematic to disconnect the battery from device, and put in VOUT, and Ground from PPK2?
I would like to try to measure power consumption as whole in Thingy:91, including sensors
Would it be problematic to disconnect the battery from device, and put in VOUT, and Ground from PPK2?
Yeah here it is, i have not really touched it at all, so i guess it is default for Thingy:91 2705.zephyr.dts
I meant the application you built on thingy:91. After building you will have the zephyr.dts file in the build folder that I would like to see if the ADXL372 sensor is disable or not; as you said ''ADXL372 is however unused, so I might be interested to disable that via boardfile, how does that work?''
That file is from /application/build/zephyr/zephyr.dts, is it not right zephyr.dts file then?
Yes it is correct file. Thanks. :) The attached file name shows different so I asked you from where you got this.
I have checked the zephur.dts file. ADXL sensor is enabled there. So, somehow it is used in the system. You can try to create a separate overlay file to make it disable.