[SOLVED] No devices found - vs code

Hello Nordic Team!

I updated to version 4.1.1 of NRF Connect for Desktop and since then, when I try to program my development kit in VS Code, it doesn't appear as connected. The Toolchain Manager version is v1.2.4 and the NRF Connect SDK version is v2.3.0. I have tried refreshing the "connected devices", but the problem persists.

The curious thing is that the kit appears as connected in "Programmer" and "Serial Terminal", but only in VS Code it is not being identified.

Is there anything I can do to solve this problem in VS Code?

Thank you!

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  • Recently, I had the same problem when installing the nrf connect for vs code extension pack on a new computer. I will look for the link that solved my problem, and put it here.

    I hope it helps you too.

    Unfortunately, dealing with nrf connect is not intuitive and there are always problems that prevent you from proceeding with the project, even before you start.

  • Thank you, Aurna. Is the link that solved your problem the link that appears earlier in this ticket, or a different one? That one earlier in this ticket, to case 306678, has many recommendations to use nrfjprog and give up using the default nrfutil. I now have another case open, 326375, where I go into detail about how nrfutil "works then doesn't work then works" as I remove and reinstall VS Code. One interesting thing I have found is that when nrfutil does not work, at the same time nRF Connect Generate Support Information fails if I attempt to do that. They either both work or both fail in my case. I keep telling myself "Everything is good to go now" but based on what others and I have found, I should not be surprised if the next time I try it I get another set of failures. So far I have not seen this addressed. I should say I have been doing all this on Windows 10 and maybe it is a Windows specific issue.

    Yes, problems with nRF Connect for VSCode are often not easy to solve without help from the experts. I blame much of this on the style of the configuration menus for VS Code--they are only one or two steps better than a CLI. The decades older Eclipse project has a better thought-out GUI for configuration. Eclipse is not perfect, but the basic approach to configuration menus was inspired with more brilliance. I'm sure many people would argue that being locked out of the main Eclipse window when a configuration window is open is too "old schoool" but I think it is worth the inconvenience. 


  • Ah, now I see that your problem is not related to nrfjprog, but I hope this link helps you, as it helped me. In the end, my problem was with the jlink

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