Using DW1001C-dev (nrf52832) with sd card (Adafruit)


I´m using dw1001C-dev board (with nrf52832) and i am trying to save some data to my sdcard (Adafruit). The sdcard communicates via SPI.
I am defining SPI pins like this:
#define SDC_SCK_PIN 4 ///< SDC serial clock (SCK) pin.
#define SDC_MOSI_PIN 6 ///< SDC serial data in (DI) pin.
#define SDC_MISO_PIN 7 ///< SDC serial data out (DO) pin.
#define SDC_CS_PIN 3 ///< SDC chip select (CS) pin.

To communicate i am using the nrf52 example code fatfs (from nordic's nrf52 DK).
Every time i try do initialize the disk it fails and starts the code over and over again.
My code is attached (I am programming in SEGGER). Can you please help me?

ss_twr_init_id_hx_adc_rtc - Có

  • Hi,

    Do the function you use the initialize the disk return any error codes when it fails? Resets are typically caused by an error code returned by a function that is passed to APP_ERROR_CHECK, or an assert/HardFault. If you have logging enabled and build the application in "Debug" configuration, details about the error should be output on the logger.

    What pins are you using when initializing UART? Some of the pins you are using for SPI is used for the UART interface on our DKs, but I was not able to locate the definition of TX_PIN_NUM/RX_PIN_NUM/etc in your attached project (assuming it is defined in the board files in your SDK install).

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    Do the function you use the initialize the disk return any error codes when it fails? Resets are typically caused by an error code returned by a function that is passed to APP_ERROR_CHECK, or an assert/HardFault. If you have logging enabled and build the application in "Debug" configuration, details about the error should be output on the logger.

    What pins are you using when initializing UART? Some of the pins you are using for SPI is used for the UART interface on our DKs, but I was not able to locate the definition of TX_PIN_NUM/RX_PIN_NUM/etc in your attached project (assuming it is defined in the board files in your SDK install).

    Best regards,

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