Mesh Subscription Status: Insufficient Resources

We are developing a BLE mesh product using the nRF52840 and would like to add certain control elements to multiple groups.

Currently, we are using the nRF Mesh Smart phone app to provision and control the mesh elements, and also to organize the elements into groups.  We can add elements to groups, but when we try to add an element to another group the message “Subscription Status Insufficient Resources” pops up on the nRF Mesh Smart phone app.  Please provide some guidance to resolve this issue.

This issue is easily repeatable using the nrf/samples/Bluetooth/mesh/light sample project.

This issue occurs when the nRF52840 mesh nodes are built with nRF-Connect SDK v2.3.0 or with nRF-Connect SDK v2.1.1.  We have not tried any other SDK versions.

Regards, -Bob

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  • Hi Bob.

    I will handle this ticket. And I will try to get back to you again tomorrow. 

    Apologize about the delay.


  • Hi again Bob. 

    Trying to understand what you are doing and what is going wrong here; 

    Currently, we are using the nRF Mesh Smart phone app to provision and control the mesh elements, and also to organize the elements into groups.

    And this works as expected?

    but when we try to add an element to another group the message “Subscription Status Insufficient Resources” pops up on the nRF Mesh Smart phone app.

    Not sure if I fully understand what you are doing here. Are you trying to have a model inside the same element publish to several group addresses? 

    Please elaborate on you are doing (preferably step-by-step and with screenshots). Currently not able to reproduce, but I might not be doing the same as you are. 


  • Hi Joakim,

    Thank you for responding.  The answer to you first question is yes this works as expected.

    Here are the steps I followed to encounter the Insufficient Resources pop-up. I will post screen shots in additional replies because they don't look good inserted with the comments.

    1. In Visual Studio Code, nRF Connect: Create a new application.
    2. Select Freestanding, nRF Connect SDK 2.1.3, nRF Connect Toolchain 2.1.3, Application Template nrf/samples/Bluetooth/mesh/light, and Create Application
    3. In Visual Studio Code, nRF Connect: No build configurations click to create one.
    4. Select Board as nrf52840dk_nrf52840 and Build Configuration
    5. Use nRF Programmer to program build/zephyr/merged.hex into nRF52840-DK
    6. On Android phone, open nRF Mesh application (Screen shot to follow)
    7. Select “+ ADD NODE”  (Screen shot to follow)
    8. Select “Mesh Light”  (Screen shot to follow)
    9. Select “Identify” and wait for LEDS on nRF52840-DK to finish blinking  (Screen shot to follow)
    10. Select “PROVISION”  (Screen shot to follow)
    11. Select OK
    12. Bind key for each Generic On Off Server in the elements list (ie 0x0002 to 0x0005)
    13. Select Element 0x0002 Generic On Off Server
    14. Select Subscribe  (Screen shot to follow)
    15. Select OK  (Screen shot to follow)
    16. Select Subscribe again to add this element to another group
    17. Select Create a new group to subscribe and name a new group  (Screen shot to follow)
    18. Select OK and observe the Insufficient resources pop-up.  (Screen shot to follow)